Network woes

Hi I’m not that technical but I hope someone can help. Since retuning back from a couple of days holiday my mac wont connect to the company exchange server via my e-mail programme Entourage. It says it is not connected but when I quit the application is advises me that a network operation is in progress. Sometimes it loads - connected but still does not send or receive any e-mails. Every other connection via the network is fine (I can ping etc) but the e-mail is not working. I’m assured by the company that look after the server that there side is fine - but they are ‘not mac people’. They also confirmed that the account information is correct.

I have created a new Account but still no joy and I have tried the same using Apple’s mail but that fails as well.

I have Archived and Installed the operating system dumped preference files and repaired permissions but I seem to be going nowhere.

Any thoughts?

Many thanks.


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What version of Mac OSX do you have?

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Sorry 10.4.11 so no time machine thingy.

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What version of Exchange server? Has it been updated? Have you installed anything new on your side?

Upgrade to 10.6 to get system level support for Exchange? I know before 10.4 that OSX was only marginally compatible with Active Directory but don’t think that relates here.

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Just informationally we are running Exchange 2003 here with 10.4.1 Macs. If this is what you have, and it was working before, it should still work. The fact that you are connected means that much is working.

Can you send email internally to the next desk over? Has anything changed about your network that would cause a slow down? It may be a network timing issue from too much traffic that is causing Entourage to stall.

Hmm…could be over stuffed mail box also. Extra large attachments can cause email to freeze and not complete the download.

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Hi chuckamuck,

No if I send an e-mail - it just sits in my outbox. The ‘mail’ account is set up to mirror what is happening with the windows termainal that sits on the next desk. As far as I know there has been modifiactions to the network. All rather stange. I’m on hoilday this week so I’m hoping to research the web and find a possible solution. Thanks for your post. Joe.

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