Non Default Actions and Freeway 5

Freeway 5 changes the location of Actions, and this can impact on how Freeway 5 sees and reacts to them. In its default state, Freeway will use Actions which are embedded in the document if it can not find them in the Actions folder. This is OK for some Actions, but for any which rely on external files to work, you will run into problems.

For example, my Gallery Action and Text Box Decoration Action will very likely fail to work in this situation.

To rectify this, you need to move any extra Actions you have downloaded from the Freeway 4 Actions folder to the Freeway 5 Actions folder. Be sure to move any support folder as well, making sure that you keep them in the same relative location of any Actions you move. Support folders will normally have a ~ character in them somewhere and will usually be next to the Action in question.

For example, my Gallery Action will have a folder named ActionsWorld Themes ~ along side it. That folder needs to be moved too.

Move the
Actions from the following locations:

  1. ~/Library/Application Support/Freeway 4/Actions/
    The “~” symbol means the name of your “home” folder, normally the same as your username.

  2. /Library/Application Support/Freeway 4/Actions/

And place them in one of the locations listed below:

  1. ~/Library/Application Support/Freeway 5/Actions/
    Copy Actions here if you want the Actions to be used only by the current user on your machine.

  2. /Library/Application Support/Freeway 5/Actions/
    Copy Actions here if you want the Actions to be used by all users on your machine.

Check with the suppliers of any third party Actions to be sure that there aren’t Freeway 5 specific versions that you should be using.

I’m posting this with my Softpress hat on - and I have been referring to my own Actions as they are the ones I most familiar with. This advice covers all Actions which are not part of the default set which ships with Freeway.

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