Consider the following web page, that has a single text link on it:
That is not my web site, and therefore I have no control over the content of that web page.
The name of that text link won’t change, but the URL will change.
AIM: I want to create LINK (button, text link, whatever) on a page on MY web site (using Freeway, of course), that, when clicked, will go to the above macusa page and automatically follow the link posted there.
Another way to think of it would be to have code which opens the KIRAMEKdb page and automatically clicks the link.
I assume this could be achieved with PHP, cURL and perhaps a line of JavaScript, but what are your suggestions?
Again, I have my existing web page in Freeway, on which I intend to create a LINK that when clicked will automatically grab the URL of the link on that macusa page and open it in the same browser window.
How would I accomplish this task?
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