[Pro] banner at top

a lot of websites seem to now be adding a banner along the top i.e. http://www.creativebyte.co.uk

how do I go about doing this in freeway??

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Draw a graphic image the height of the the banner you want, say 100px high and 600px wide (width doesn’t matter too much)
Color and graphic to your liking, then with the graphic selected click, File->Export-> Name and save the graphic to your media folder.
Then back in your page inspector, select the newly made and saved image as the background, set horizontal to tile and vertical to top.

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thanks will give a go tonight. Can i overlay an image logo and drop down quick nav form button??

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On 12 Nov 2009, at 17:20, Rich Gannon wrote:

Draw a graphic image the height of the the banner you want, say 100px high and 600px wide (width doesn’t matter too much)
Color and graphic to your liking, then with the graphic selected click, File->Export-> Name and save the graphic to your media folder.
Then back in your page inspector, select the newly made and saved image as the background, set horizontal to tile and vertical to top.

You beat me to it by seconds Rich!

I would just point out that it needn’t be anything like 600px wide; I’d suggest 30 or so wide as it will tile across perfectly at that size, and the file will be smaller and more nimble.

best wishes,

Paul Bradforth

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hi all
I have an additional question about this vertical banner.
I am putting a logo and css menu on the banner. I always like my pages centered, so how can I keep the menu from moving with the browser and off the banner.Especially since I can not group it as its a background image.
If I align page to None, it works but doing this limits the width as I set my to 1024x 768

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Probably this screencast helps you to understand the basics and to fix it:




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Thanks so much Thomas
I will watch this

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Thanks for this tutorial Thomas. I love to watch them… much easier for me to learn…
one question about inserting Css inline - once I insert the menu. I am not able to move it. There must be a way but I do not know it yet
thx for advise on this

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one question about inserting Css inline -

html-items (or better divs) inline :slight_smile:

once I insert the menu. I am not able to move it. There must be a way but I do not know it yet
thx for advise on this

Inline items are positioned relative, which means, that the position of the inner item (css-menu) now depends of the (CSS) attributes of its parent outer box (menu-wrapper).

To position the inner item “css-menu”, you have to add the attribute of “padding” to its parent box “menu-wrapper”.

So assumed there is a “menu-wrapper” div, select this (item view enabled in the sidebar) and set an amount of “padding” in the inspector. This is (often) ending up in a little math, especially for the width:

menu-wrapper width 900px
css-menu width 600px

so the max-amount of padding left and right is 300px and an example of positioning could be:

padding-left: 250px which is moving the css-menu div this amount to the left.



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no there is no menu wrapper

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it was just an example.

Don’t take me word by word, just meant the div where the div which keeps the link-list for the css menu.

If you need any specific names you should share a link so I can definitely tell you more about them.



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OK - a lil’ bit more screencast specific:

We created a div called “header-playground”, which is the centering div. If you add your div for the css-menu (what name ever) in the header-playground the same way you add the header-playground into the “header-helper”, padding would be applied to the “header-playground” which is then pushing the css-menu-div into the above described position.

I’m never getting tired to add the caveat to the inline-method:

It might be (and it will happen) that you loose the master - child pages relation, so things changed on the master page won’t automatic be overtaken into the child-pages. Please keep that in mind.

Hope this helps you out?



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thanks thomas
so i should go back to video to see this
i am not very proficient with divs
more like spoon fed… sorry to say but i am learning so much on this wonderful forum
from you, Dave and Walter!

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