The question I would ask is why would you want to?
There may be certain advantages to Flash but there are many disadvantages.
1 - No iOS users will see it
2 - Very SEO unfriendly
If you want to use Flash then make sure you have a no-flash option as well but there are many javascript and HTML5 ways to create these sorts of slideshows.
Showcase, as part of FW5.5, does a pretty good job of creating galleries and slideshows too. And a Carousel can be very effective.
But if you want to use a Flash producing product then I am sure that EWA can do what you want - you just need to know how to work it!
But I certainly think that you can improve on what you have just now without stepping out of FW.
I totally agree with Dave. If you’re looking for bells and whistles then take a look at Hype or wait till Freeway develops a bit more. Flash is perfect for certain occasions, but I have a feeling that complete Flash-based websites are slowly dying off. Dave is right in that you better have a backup plan to show content due to the popularity of mobile platforms if you choose to go this route.
David and Dan
I think there has been a misunderstanding of my intent here… At 71, I am not, nor intend to be, a Web Author Pro. producing work for iPhones or any other mobile platforms
I have/had a single purpose; ie. 3 years ago, I produced a web site, during a 14 day cruise, as an aid to selling my house. I used a demo version of Rapidweaver 4.4.2 on a Pismo laptop, with Tiger OS. I have now, ‘advanced’, to a MDD 1.25GHz., using Leopard OS. Laughable, I know to you professionals, driven by market forces to keep up with the Joneses, Gateses and Jobses, but good enough for a cash strapped wrinkly.
Although I had ‘Can I write my website in EWA’ in my question title, I made it clear (I hope) that what I meant, was 'can I produce a visual facsimile of the Flash driven photo album shown on my web page:
using EWA, NOT write the ENTIRE web site with EWA.
I certainly understand your point about Carousel and although I only have FW 5.4.2 I am sure you are right about Showcase.
HTML5, is surely still in development, and Hype, although promising has a long way to go.
Thank you both for your comments and I am sure that my site can be improved using FW.
My point really is that there are plenty of ‘Native’ methods in FW whether through actions and/or javascript that will produce effective photo display for you.
And more importantly - there is no need to step outside FW to achieve it.
Have a look at Walter’s scripty actions, sequence timer, target show/hide layers and images and also upgrade at least to 5.4.3 which has some bug fixes over 5.4.2
No desire there to cause offense to you. I think Dave and I were just stating some obvious facts about it that from a simple board post is hard to tell if you understood already without knowing your web background. Plus there may be thousands of others out there asking the same question you are and our responses might be useful for future reference.
I agree with Dave’s response there in saying there are alternatives but in the end do whatever you want to do. Dave and I are just here to help suggest possibly what we would do or share our experience with working on web sites and other platforms.
No offense taken, and I am VERY grateful for all the help that you and Dave have given me… in fact I have downloaded all your free ScreenCasts and even bought one, the first of many, I think. The support here is as good as that for Rapidweaver, but more of that elswhere.
I did a ‘Hardware Monitor’ test on my CPU usage when running a Flash movie, as suggested elsewhere, and now I understand why my MDD crashes so often when viewing a BBC News film cast!!! I will therefor try to do a non-flash version of my website… I will keep you posted.