[Pro] Carousel behavior

Hi all,
I’m a new user still learning. I’ve downloaded Walt’s carousel action and it’s working fine but I’m curious if there’s a way to configure it so it flows from the last image in the sequence to the first without “rewinding” visibly. I’d prefer to not see the images zipping past as it makes that transition. …I hope this question makes sense…

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I’m pretty sure what you see is what you get.

It might be possible to get the effect your after if you know how to change the underlying code.

I like the zipping images!

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There are some stubs of code in Glider.js that hint the author was starting work on this, but it isn’t complete and it doesn’t work. The way it would work if it did is that you would have one more copy of the first element added to the end, after the last. At the end of the last animation to the right, the entire “filmstrip” of panes would snap back to the left (so quickly that you couldn’t notice) and the sequence would continue.


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