[Pro] centreing pop-up window

Freeway Pro 3.5

I’m trying to use a little bit of javascript to center a pop-up window in the browser.

The code to apply to a ‘link’ is something like this:

Website Abstraction

However, I want to apply the link to a graphic image, not run of text.

I can’t work out how to do it! I’ve tried putting this complete code into the ‘other URL’ option at the bottom of the lionk dialogue, but without success.

How to add bespoke link code to an image?


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Hi Hugh,
Try this;
With your graphic selected choose Edit/ Hyperlink. Select the External
tab and paste the URL into the link location text field (http://wsabstract.com
). Click on the Extended button and press the New button. In the
dialog that appears enter the following;
Name: onclick
Value: NewWindow(this.href,‘name’,‘400’,‘400’,‘yes’);return false

Click on the OK button, and again to get out of the Edit Hyperlink
dialog and you should be set. I say should be because I can see that
the code we just added calls a JavaScript function called NewWindow.
Without this code added to the page the pop-up won’t, well, pop!
Find a piece of JavaScript that you got with the rest of the link code
that looks like this;
function NewWindow(href,name,width,height,center){
//mumbo jumbo code here
and add it to the page. Select Page/HTML Markup and choose ‘Before </
head>’ in the insert menu. Paste your code into the dialog and press
the OK button.
Now you should be set. The link will call the NewWindow function
(code) which we’ve just added to the document area.
If you get stuck be sure to ask again.

On 10 May 2009, at 18:19, hugh wrote:

Website Abstraction

FreewayActions.com - Freeware and shareware actions for Freeway
Express & Pro.

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Hi Tim,

You’re a gent, that works perfectly :slight_smile: Thank you! For some reason I was quite blind to the Extended button!

Now…could I attach this same javascript to a drop-down navigation menu? At the moment I’m using the pop-up menu navigation action, but guess I might have to delve into a markup item instead…?


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