Little problem! At the foot of the middle three pages of this site, my left and right navigation arrows appear as blank yellow squares (with working links!). First and last pages are OK.
I think the white arrows look better!
Help please.
And thanks,
Hmmm … no answer! Surely someone else must have had this problem? I suspect is has something to do with a failed link, but I’m happy to have a work-around which solves the problem.
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Many thanks for your reply Todd, and right to the point! But the answer is complicated. The problem files are left and right navigation arrows with the same two images being used a number of times. The number of arrow files in Resources is three, so the same file appears to be reused here.
The web pages are quite long with 20 images one below the other. Sometimes when I get to Image 18 (say) the image file sets in place Ok but then ‘ripples’ when scrolled down. Files below this, including the bottom navigation arrows act in a slightly peculiar fashion: they can be set, but show no highlighting indications when clicked. The arrows do have names in the Inspector though. Photo files below the ripple file also have no highlighting indication, but do publish.
So, I tried adding a further arrow at the bottom of the page with a new name – no sign in Resources after publishing. I tried renaming the ‘square’ arrow the same as the corresponding top arrow, but it still appeared as a square in the browser.
The question is, what can I do here? Of course I could give up on the arrows ay the bottom, and just put in text links, left and right. (I have already got a successful right text link on each page.)
With thanks for your interest Todd!
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… and it has what you describe: two blank yellow squares with working links.
If I control-click on either image, and choose “Open Image In New Tab”, I get an image called "whitetriangleleft1.gif” (for either box).
So something is going wrong with the images.
I think what I would suggest is that you try publishing into a clean site folder. Create a new folder next to your existing site folder, and choose this as the site folder (in "File/Document Setup”).
On 17 Mar 2020, at 05:55, Paul Scott email@hidden wrote:
Little problem! At the foot of the middle three pages of this site, my left and right navigation arrows appear as blank yellow squares (with working links!). First and last pages are OK.
I think the white arrows look better!
Help please.
And thanks,
Thank you for contributing to this Jeremy. In Chelmsford, I relabelled all the base navigational triangles WhiteTriangleL1, WhiteTriangleR1, … etc. I created a Site2 Folder and published to this. The result is a set of pretty pale blue squares, apart from the last page which works OK.
I have been creating a series of these sites with the same format and no problems up to these two. The good news is that the next site, Chichester, works alright!!
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PS. None of the new triangles … L1, L2 etc … appears in the Resources folder.
That isn’t particularly strange.
Freeway avoids outputting duplicate images (or duplicate resources of any kind). If there is another resource in your document that is identical on output, Freeway will use that instead.
Still, something is going wrong somewhere. If publishing into a clean Site folder doesn’t help, the next thing I would try is to open the Edit Resources dialog and see if there are any Missing images. Locate them if there are. Then click on Resample All, so that the images are all reimported.
My apologies for not acknowledging your latest response. My email alert failed and I didn’t realise that you had written.
The problem continues. In the Guildford site index there are no navigational arrows appearing at the bottom of pages 1 and 4, although there is evidence of links when you run over them with the cursor. The arrows at the base of other pages appear and function as expected.
I followed your advice and checked the Resources: everything appears to be in place. There are minor naming differences: thus WhiteRightTriange.jpg in Resources might appear as WhiteRightTriangle1.jpg in the Inspector. Updating and resampling appear to have no effect.
Since my last freeway post I have been adding text navigational links at the bottom of the pages. They work fine, but don’t look as professional as the arrows!
With thanks and best wishes,
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