I am building 2 new websites in Freeway Pro 7.0.1, and I simply can not get the contact forms to work. I can not even get an error message. Please do not send me to the video tutorial… I have watched it numerous times, to no avail. Can someone please review these sites and send me some useful solutions? I do not write code.
P.S. I can not get the responsive video Action to work either. I had to use the non-responsive version, but would like to replace it.
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On the Bay of the Sun page you aoppear to have added the Send Form action twice.
1 on item4 and another on item3c
Remove it from those 2 until there are no instances of the Send Form action on the page.
Publish once and then reapply the action as a Page Action.
On the Price of Happiness the form action doesn’t appear to be applied to an item that encloses all the form components - remove it and reapply it to the page instead.
freewaytalk mailing list
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Thank you for looking at the sites. I dumped the items I had and rebuilt the forms. Still, I am unable to get them to function. I could not even get a Success or Error page to appear. I had to use email links for the contacts. Has anybody else had these issues?
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I dumped the items I had and rebuilt the forms.
Do so on an otherwise blank page ie just the form and nothing else.
Upload that and we can take a look.
For a simple form layout look at http://www.deltadesign.co/formtest.html
Using this construction the form action is applied to the table itself.
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