[Pro] CSS Menus

I’ve been dabbling with Freeway for a few years primarily using it for my personal website. I’ve decided to update this site using CSS Menus throughout.

For my first try I built a new photo gallery page that embeds a Lightroom generated Flash page inside an iFrame as was suggested by Peter Tucker in a recent post. I use CSS Menus to navigate between the various galleries. So far, so good. All works well viewed in Safari, Firefox and Camino on my Mac but not so well when viewed in Vista with IE and Firefox. Where the menus drop down over the iFrame the menu is cutoff as if the iFrame was in front of the menu even though I specifically set the menu to be the frontmost layer.

Anyone have a suggestion?


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There is always a problem because Flash uses a plug-in for content display and plug-in content always floats to the top - so to speak.

I am afraid that a redesign of the page is the only sure way to avoid this.


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Hi Charlie,
Try setting the window mode of the Flash element to transparent;

In Freeway:
Select the Flash object on the page then choose, Item, Extended, New -
name = wmode, value = transparent

On 30 Dec 2009, at 19:10, csbrown wrote:

I’ve been dabbling with Freeway for a few years primarily using it
for my personal website. I’ve decided to update this site using CSS
Menus throughout.

For my first try I built a new photo gallery page that embeds a
Lightroom generated Flash page inside an iFrame as was suggested by
Peter Tucker in a recent post. I use CSS Menus to navigate between
the various galleries. So far, so good. All works well viewed in
Safari, Firefox and Camino on my Mac but not so well when viewed in
Vista with IE and Firefox. Where the menus drop down over the iFrame
the menu is cutoff as if the iFrame was in front of the menu even
though I specifically set the menu to be the frontmost layer.

Anyone have a suggestion?

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Can this be done if it in an iFrame?


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Thanks Tim,

I tried this and it didn’t seem to change anything. I also went in and edited the actual HTML generated by Lightroom as per the example in the link you provided, also with no effect.

Since the page is very simple I think a redesign to avoid the problem, as suggested by Dave, is the best course.

Thanks very much.


On 30 Dec 2009, 9:11 pm, Tim Plumb wrote:

Hi Charlie,
Try setting the window mode of the Flash element to transparent;

In Freeway: Select the Flash object on the page then choose, Item, Extended, New - name = wmode, value = transparent

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Only if there is a way to set the iframe to be transparent as well,
and I’m not sure that’s true in all browsers. You would need to set
the HTML that’s displayed in the iframe to transparent, you would need
to set the Flash object to be transparent (with wmode, as Tim noted)
and you would need to set the iframe to be transparent (have a google
for that one – it’s a new one on me).


On Dec 30, 2009, at 6:04 PM, DeltaDave wrote:

Can this be done if it in an iFrame?


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