[Pro] drawing a blank... link to pdf in table


need a reminder how to link sentence to pdf in a table

here is my situation:

using Table
Using HTML text, Verdana
normally Hyperlinking the text with special settings for page so it underlines entire sentence when hover over.

Do not want to lose this.

How do I link a sentence of HTML text to a pdf and still keep hover underline and control of text size and color?



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THink i got it.

I hyperlinked to it but used external- brought the PDF over in my Standalone FTP.

My only question is…

If the url I used was

and soon when the site goes from temporary to permanent and I no longer use the FWtest folder (which is what I am using to test the site as I make it), will I have to go back to very external linked file on my site and hand fix each address?


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and soon when the site goes from temporary to permanent and I no longer use the FWtest folder (which is what I am using to test the site as I make it), will I have to go back to very external linked file on my site and hand fix each address?

Yes - but you can do it in Edit>URLs on a document wide basis.

BTW - as FW manages the contents of your Resources folder you should avoid putting stuff in there that it knows nothing about.

You would be far better to create a new folder on your server such as at hoffkids.com/PDFs or hoffkids.com/downloads and put all these files in there.

Using that method you will also never need to change the URLs to your linked files as they will always be in the same place no matter where your Resources folder is.


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That is a big helper Dave!!!

When I am ready to go from Hoffkids.com/FWtest to Hoffkids.com I will go into Edit URLS and change them as you said. THANKS

When you said create a new folder on the server for things like pdfs, I do have a separate PDFHoffkids folder on my computer inside with my Freeway stuff but becuase FW has been uploading it puts all in resource folder on the server side which has been fine.

Recently I had to link to the pdf (see above message) and I moved it into the resource folder myself myself. I think I see why you are saying this is less than ideal- if FW had to rewrite the resource folder those files would be missing??

My question is…

What is the difference between having “document.pdf” in the resource folder on the server or “docuemnt.pdf” in the Pdfhoffkids folder on the server?

Is it because that .pdf file will always stay there if I have to rewrite the resource folder?

I do have an additional folder on the server called HOTPOTATOES files, b/c my site uses a type of file FW could not bring over. Is this kind of the same concept?

And last, are you saying I should put ALL my .pdfs in the pdf folder on the server, or JUST the ones that freeway will not be bringing over and that I had to manually put in via FTP?

thanks like always.


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What is the difference between having “document.pdf” in the resource folder on the server or “docuemnt.pdf” in the Pdfhoffkids folder on the server?

A folder YOU create on the server will be untouched by FW as long as you dont have a folder in your FW site structure that doesn’t have the same name.

Is it because that .pdf file will always stay there if I have to rewrite the resource folder?


And last, are you saying I should put ALL my .pdfs in the pdf folder on the server, or JUST the ones that freeway will not be bringing over and that I had to manually put in via FTP?

My personal preference would be to put ALL my PDFs in a separate folder and use external links. That way you upload them once (using FTP) and can then forget about them (unless you change it of course) - especially if you have quite a few.

The rule of thumb is “Don’t mess with the FW created Resource folder unless you really know what you are doing”


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So when I used LINK to PDF (from a graphic) earlier for like 75 .pdf’s I should have brought them over in my FTP and externally linked (URL) to them in their folder?

Then when I upload (or sometimes have to upload entire site) it would not have to do the .pdfs?

If that is true it makes sense.

Then if I make a change to the .pdf, I have to make sure I bring the updated version over in FTP to replace.


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So when I used LINK to PDF (from a graphic) earlier for like 75 .pdf’s I should have brought them over in my FTP and externally linked (URL) to them in their folder?


The action is great when you have just a few but if you have 75 to deal with I would not use it because of the possibility of massive reupload under certain circumstances. But then again 75 pdfs might only be 5 Mb so no problem.

In the same way I wouldn’t use a FW action if I had a bucket load of videos to deal with.

Imagine how long it would take to reupload a few Gigs of video.

But that is my personal preference and I am not advocating that you should never use the actions for these sorts of files.


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