[Pro] Error code 550

I am trying to upload a revised website and getting an error code 550 file or folder not able to be accessed - can anyone help?


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The 550 error is a message from the server stating that the account you have currently logged in as does not have permission to perform the action you are attempting. You may be trying to upload to the wrong directory or trying to delete a file.

Did you create/upload the files that are already there? Using FW?

Have you triple checked your log in details?

Have you tried to access the server with an FTP app? Same problem?


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Hi Dave

The original site was created in FW and only updated about 10 days ago - it’s a constantly updated site with current school education information.

I then created a new file in FW to create a new look in what I called on my “save as” file name schooldaysv2 - this is not the name being uploaded, just so that I don’t confused between the two. When I saw this happening, or rather not happening, I tried to transfer the folders in which my pages are on the new site by dragging them across to the older FW site but it wouldn’t work. There are many pages on this site and the thought of having to copy and paste so much information is a bit of a nightmare.

Yes, checked the log in details, even when onto the ISP, but don’t want to mess with things there in case I shut myself out altogether. I can’t get any support now as it’s after midnight there and they only work until 9:30pm. So, I’m stuck until work day starts again in the UK!

If you have any other suggestions I’d be pleased to try them.

kind regards
W: www.schooldaysmagazine.com

On 20/03/2012, at 11:39 AM, DeltaDave wrote:

The 550 error is a message from the server stating that the account you have currently logged in as does not have permission to perform the action you are attempting. You may be trying to upload to the wrong directory or trying to delete a file.

Did you create/upload the files that are already there? Using FW?

Have you triple checked your log in details?

Have you tried to access the server with an FTP app? Same problem?


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