[Pro] fixed header in inflow design?

I would like to try to have a header with a menu bar across the top of my site that doesn’t scroll, but stays there when the page is scrolled vertically.

I’m using an inflow design (in FW Pro7). I can do it in a layered design by selecting fixed positioning in the inspector. I’m wondering if this is possible in and inflow page.

I tried layering the header on top of my inflow design and it worked, but the layered header wouldn’t respond to browser sizing the same as the rest of the page. I want the page to grow up to 1200px wide and then center over a solid background, not grow continuously as the browser gets wider than 1200px.

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(warning: this is v6 advice… v7 advice may be different, I’ll install as
soon as I finish my current project)

The method I use in inline or inflow or box-model construction is to create
the page elements as sections.

So, I first set the Page settings to a width that feels good in the
workspace, then alignment to none and width to flexible. The result, the
page is as wide as the browser window, the workspace is as wide as I want
it and everything else is set for responsive or flexible layout.

Next, I double click the workspace and insert however many html items as
sections I think my page will require. Generally, three (header, main-area,
footer). I set them all as width:available, height:flexible, and

Then I double-click each of them in turn, and insert another html item to
hold the content for these sections. Now these get an alignment of
center, vertical flexibility, and a max-width setting of however wide I
want the content to appear. Max-width means there is an upper limit to how
wide the content will appear, but no constraint when narrowed by the
browser window size.

Now, if your top section is where you plan to put your menu, then make the
outer section parent fixed. the whole thing still flexes with the window,
but keeps it’s position. Of course, fixed position takes it out of the
document flow and you will have everything else wanting to flow up to fill
that space, so you may need some creative ways to space items “underneath”
it, or fiddle with z-index settings depending on what kind of menu-ishness
you have going on.

Give that a whirl.

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Thanks Big Erns,

I’ll try those suggestions Monday when I’m back at work.

That’s very similar to the way I’m setting up my Master Page, except I think I’m treating the centering differently. I think I’m setting my “container” alignment to center and my contents to available.

I didn’t see FIXED as an option when I was trying it out, but again I can’t check till Monday (my home version is FW Pro5). Maybe if I have time I’ll download the free Vers7 trial at home and try it out.

BTW what is a z-index?

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