[Pro] Google Maps API

I’m trying to add a google map to my site. This used to be easy, but google has changed things and I’m having trouble obtaining the site key the plugin needs.

I’ve followed the directions on this FW kb article, but it’s way outdated and not very helpful anymore.

Can anyone help me? I’m running FW 5.6.4



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You could try Walters alternative Leaflet action (for Open Street Map) - unless you particularly want to stay with Google



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I can give it a shot. Open Street Map did locate the business correctly, but it doesn’t appear to have street view, which is a very popular feature. Is google maps no longer a possibility?

Thanks for offering an alternative, David.


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Is google maps no longer a possibility?

Yes - Just offering an alternative.

Do you still need an API key for this action?


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Hey David,

I need something. I can’t seem to get google to offer up the API key. And, when I put in the Leaflet action it says that the map “has no properties” even though all the address long/lat fields are filled in. Incidentally, there is a dropdown box in the action menu pallet that when I click on it it’s just blank. I’m not sure if any of this makes sense.

Thanks for any ideas!


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It sounds like you have added the Leaflet Marker Action without adding the Leaflet Map Action on the same page. You need to draw an HTML box where you want the map to appear (this will set the dimensions and location of the base map) and then you also need to draw a Leaflet Marker Action on the page somewhere and enter the map pin details. These are separate Actions because you can have a map with no pins or one or many pins.


On May 1, 2014, at 2:25 PM, Doty wrote:

Hey David,

I need something. I can’t seem to get google to offer up the API key. And, when I put in the Leaflet action it says that the map “has no properties” even though all the address long/lat fields are filled in. Incidentally, there is a dropdown box in the action menu pallet that when I click on it it’s just blank. I’m not sure if any of this makes sense.

Thanks for any ideas!


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You’re right, Walt! I forgot to go back and follow the directions!!! Argh. Lemme try again. Thanks for the reminder!


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Presto! Thanks guys!!

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I can’t speak for an earlier version than 6, but in 6 they have made this pretty easy to get a basic Google Maps going on your page… I am looking to add one with slightly more features but it doesn’t seem too hard with Google’s instructions.

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BTW to follow up to this… It’s as simple as

  1. Insert Markup Item
  2. Double click within and paste in the code provided by Google which is:
  • In that code you are going to edit the width/height to what you want (I left it as they had it and used the formatting within Freeway to match dimensions to place nicely on the page), and then insert the API Key which is very easy to generate on that site where it says “API_KEY”… I personally deleted Space+Needle and just put in the town where I am from… You put Town,State,StateCode.

On Googles site for your API don’t define a list of referrers and you’re set…

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