Hi there,
I’m new here and hope that someone can help me.
Having problems with the guestbook action (using Disqus), as I can not make it scroll on my iPad (works fine on the computer).
I already tried to put the action on top of an HTML item, as well as insert it as a child item.
Furthermore I followed an example of http://davidwalsh.name/scroll-iframes-ios and entered
the code as follows on the page (>HTML item, “Before ”), but it still won’t work.
This code, as written, will only work if your Disqus frame has the class ‘scroll-wrapper’ added to it. If you post a link to your page, one of us can use the Web Inspector in Safari (or, come to think of it, you could) to figure out exactly what classnames are applied to it already. Then it will be a trivial exercise of changing the CSS to match the actual class of the Disqus iframe.
Hi again,
I modified my test-page but the only thing which changed, is that the guestbook within the iframe moved to the left bottom corner. See following link (ignore the layout): http://www.eickerabgrund.de/baustellen/gastebuch.html
What am I doing wrong ?
I changed the DIV’s name to ‘DIVframe’ uploaded it again, tried it on my iphone (4S) and on ipad (3) but it does not scroll at all on my devices…changing the name/ID of the DIV only did bring the Disqus layout back into it’s correct position.
I pasted the code in “Before ” - maybe that is not correct ?!