Does anyone know how to increase line spacing (leading) in freeway? I really want a more open look to my text. Thank you in advance.
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Does anyone know how to increase line spacing (leading) in freeway? I really want a more open look to my text. Thank you in advance.
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Select your text then look under the Style Menu where you will find Leading and you can choose a % or px value.
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… or what I recommend in order to clean up your styles1-style625 is to define it in edit, styles. It could look like this:
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In CSS terms this is called “line-height” for those people who like knowing the proper terminology.
I always go with setting a “px” based versus a “%”, but I’m sure there are those who would make a case for both sides.
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Hey thanks you guys, for some reason I never get any e-mails from Freeway talk even though I have the “ping me” box checked. Any tips on that?
I kept trying to set it up as a permanent style in the styles dialog box, shouldn’t it be there somewhere?
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I kept trying to set it up as a permanent style
What you want to do is add it as an attribute to your body or p styles.
I think Dan has a screencast about setting these styles up.
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for some reason I never get any e-mails from Freeway talk even though I have the “ping me” box checked. Any tips on that?
Have you checked your Junk mail?
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I’m trying to change the leading of the Google font I’m using, Merriweather Sans, to 120%. Although it looks correct on my screen in Freeway, when I preview in the browser the leading seems to go to some kind of default, which is a little tighter than I would like. I followed the freeway tutorials to use the font on my site, setting up styles, and now I’m trying to figure out how to solve this problem. Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong?
Link to the page here:
I would really appreciate any advice you might have. I’m just learning, so apologies if things look a mess to expert eyes.
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Oops, I mean Merriweather, not Merriweather Sans.
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Your example uses Merriweather at 130% - I think you could go slightly bigger yet.
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Although it looks correct on my screen in Freeway, when I preview in the browser the leading seems to go to some kind of default, which is a little tighter than I would like.
Freeway’s construction view is not always accurate, especially with things like line-height. So, basically, disregard what Freeway shows when it’s in conflict with what a real web browser displays. If the leading looks to tight in the browser, add more, and don’t worry about how it looks in Freeway.
As someone who uses Freeway in ways that it was not meant to be used, I’d need a wig if I attempted to make Freeway’s construction view match the output.
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Hi David, yes, but I am having a problem with changing the leading. My style sheet is set up to 130%, and this is how it displays in Freeway, but when I preview or upload to the browser the type reverts to what you see in the link (which I think is not 130%, in fact - it’s certainly not the same as what I’m seeing in page view). Something seems to be overriding my style sheet and I don’t know what it could be. Do all the heading styles have to be set to 130%? The em (italic)? Or is it something I’m not understanding about the google font…
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Caleb, thanks, but see my reply to Dave, I don’t seem to be able to change the leading at all, and I don’t understand why. Up till now I’ve always used graphic text for my site, this is the first time I’ve tried using Google fonts so I’m on a learning curve but it’s so frustrating when I hit these bumps and I don’t know how to get past them. Am so grateful for any advice.
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Actually, from looking at the code on the page, it is set to 130%. Here’s what Safari’s web inspector shows:
See where it says:
line-height: 1.3
1.3 is equal to 130%. If it were being overridden, it would be crossed out with a gray line. Also, as I’ve worked with Merriweather quite a bit (it’s one of my more favorite fonts), it looks right to me. Merriweather has a very high x-height and doesn’t have as much leading built-in as many other fonts do. Try changing the leading to 150% and see if that’s more to your liking.
Like I said earlier:
Freeway’s construction view is not always accurate, especially with things like line-height. So, basically, disregard what Freeway shows when it’s in conflict with what a real web browser displays. If the leading looks too tight in the browser, add more, and don’t worry about how it looks in Freeway.
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My style sheet is set up to 130%, and this is how it displays in Freeway, but when I preview or upload to the browser the type reverts to what you see in the link (which I think is not 130%, in fact
I am looking at your page code and it is telling me it is set to 130% and there doesn’t appear to be any other settings any different.
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Oh I see – Caleb you’re right. Sorry, can’t believe it was that simple. I tied myself in knots thinking it was something weirdly complicated and never thought just to experiment with adding more leading. I’m a print designer, so working in percentages with type seems a bit strange to me. And now you’ve taught me 1.3 equals 130%, which I wouldn’t have known looking at the code, though now you’ve said it, it seems obvious. Thank you, it was so kind of you to help.
Dave, you’re right of course. Thanks for taking the time to look at it.
I revised the page, now it’s at 150, though I wonder if it could go 160 even. Anyway I shall experiment. Thanks and best,
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oops, meant to send the link
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Glad to hear that I was of help! The website looks lovely - web fonts look much better on my rMBP than graphic fonts. Google will appreciate it as well.
BTW, in the code screenshot I posted above, notice how there is a red line through the font-weight setting? That is because there is two semicolons, when there should only be one. You should go to the extended styles, and remove the semicolon that you entered. Freeway automatically adds one (which is why there is two).
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Mmn… the more I type the more I worry you’ll think I’m an idiot, but I don’t think I have anything in my extended styles. That’s the bit you go to from the edit styles menu, right? So when I look there it’s just blank.
It’s a miracle anything works at all, really. Anyway now you’ve helped me fix the leading my next job is to change all the other pages to match which will keep me busy for a while. And maybe in the course of doing that I’ll discover how to remove my extra semi-colons.
Thanks for your nice comment about the site; I get very frustrated with my own lack of abilities in web design. I recently tried out moving to a Squarespace template which all looked very slick, but after a while I found I was missing all the idiosyncrasies of my own very imperfect design, so I’ve gone back to it, but this time with a new determination to learn to do it better. Hence the Google fonts
Thanks again.
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Hi Kate,
Apologies for jumping in here but check under Edit > Font Sets and see if the row for Merriweather under ‘Alternative Fonts’ has your font-weight declaration in it.
It could look like this;
‘Merriweather’, Georgia, serif; font-weight: 400;
Personally I tend to put the font-weight declaration in the styles dialog as I find it more logical a location and more versatile but I’ve seen it put here before by other Freeway users.
If it is there then simply remove the last semi-colon and OK out of the font sets dialog box. If it isn’t there then maybe you could save an archive (File > Save Archive) of the file (this will strip out any FTP information contained with the document that you really shouldn’t be sharing) and post the file online for some of us to take a closer look at?
On 13 Oct 2015, at 21:59, Kate Slotover email@hidden wrote:
Mmn… the more I type the more I worry you’ll think I’m an idiot, but I don’t think I have anything in my extended styles. That’s the bit you go to from the edit styles menu, right? So when I look there it’s just blank.
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