[Pro] Multiple Carousels on one page?

I am redoing my website and I am planning to use the carousel action. I read in another thread that it’s not a good idea to use multiple carousels on one page. Is that correct? How many are too many? Does it matter whether you import your jpgs in 72 dpi or can one use whatever? Also is there a difference whether you pre-size them outside of freeway or resize them inside?

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There is no technical limitation to having multiple carousels on one page. The issue really comes down to how much stuff you cram into a single page and still have people wait to download it.

If you have many large images hidden in your page, and two or four of them revealed at any time through carousels, you will end up with a page that takes a minute or more to download, and isn’t really interactive until it’s done downloading.

So the thing to do is turn on Show File Sizes in the Site pane in Freeway, and pay attention to how large a page you’re making. You’re never going to get much below 250K, that’s just where Prototype and Scriptaculous and a blank HTML page start out. But try to keep the whole thing under 500K, maybe 1MB if your visitors are really motivated and know they’re coming to a graphics-heavy page.


On Oct 17, 2011, at 11:44 AM, Nina wrote:

I am redoing my website and I am planning to use the carousel action. I read in another thread that it’s not a good idea to use multiple carousels on one page. Is that correct? How many are too many? Does it matter whether you import your jpgs in 72 dpi or can one use whatever? Also is there a difference whether you pre-size them outside of freeway or resize them inside?

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Thank you Walter! Just turned on file sizes and it shows me a question mark. Under graphic item it only shows the size of some of my jpgs. Do you know why that is?

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Yes. You haven’t published the page yet, so Freeway has no idea what size anything is yet. Apple-p, and the file sizes will all fill in. If you are tweaking compression settings on a single page, it’s often helpful to turn on the live graphics preview, which forces the page to re-publish after every change, so the file sizes are all noted and the previews take the current compression settings into effect. But don’t leave it on all the time, because it makes Freeway feel sluggish to use.


On Oct 17, 2011, at 1:21 PM, Nina wrote:

Thank you Walter! Just turned on file sizes and it shows me a question mark. Under graphic item it only shows the size of some of my jpgs. Do you know why that is?

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Thank you so much!

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