Hi chaps … struggling a bit here, so in the left menu column (I’m trying to not too many bells and whistles) I’m ‘manually’ creating a navigation list with ‘text link’ action. I’m using Trebuchet (sans serif) here’s a screen grab
but at some point Freeway has changed it to a serif font (maybe when I changed the leading) when I view in a browser, I can’t find where this is happening in freeway, in the inspector it says Trebuchet (although the colour is different) and in ‘styles’ I’ve created a "strong menu’ style … so Trebuchet seemingly is used everywhere but online I can’t see it, as an aside where should I be adjusting things, in ‘inspector’ or ‘styles’
Any advice welcome …
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On 23 Apr 2014, 2:33 pm, Roger Burton wrote:
Hi chaps … struggling a bit here, so in the left menu column (I’m trying to not too many bells and whistles) I’m ‘manually’ creating a navigation list with ‘text link’ action.
Still am convinced, that the css-menu action is the better and way quicker choice for creating a navigation. Here I wrote why:
but at some point Freeway has changed it to a serif font (maybe when I changed the leading) when I view in a browser, I can’t find where this is happening in freeway, in the inspector it says Trebuchet (although the colour is different) and in ‘styles’ I’ve created a "strong menu’ style … so Trebuchet seemingly is used everywhere but online I can’t see it, as an aside where should I be adjusting things, in ‘inspector’ or ‘styles’
I once started (but never ended) a series on how I think to handle styles (very basic):
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How many Ms in Accomodation?
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The only place that I see your P tag defined as trebuchet is where it has the class of columntext
p.columntext { color:#1d274d; font-family:Trebuchet MS,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:14px }
Make a straightforward p tag declaration of Trebuchet and you should be fine.
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Thanks again all … very accommodating Dave !
So, without digging into the code as you have done Dave how would I know why, having tried everything in Freeway to make the ‘live online’ site work, the font changed and I seemingly couldn’t do anything about it … there must be a problem with my work flow, maybe Thomas’s video will help.
Good of you both to take the time.
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The easiest way, in that File, to ensure the correct Font is used is to go into the Style Inspector and with nothing selected on the page right click the p tag > Edit Style
In the subsequent dialogue box click on the + icon at the right of the character section.
Now select Font to then add the Font selection options and choose Trebuchet from the selector. You can add other default options like size, colour etc. etc. if you wish.
OK out of the dialogues and your default p styling will now be Trebuchet.
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