[Pro] Puls pro

Hi guy’s.
i am looking for a sollution for this and wreck my brain :smiley:
i have pulse-pro i like to offer clients, but i would like to offer them to be able to ad their own logo to.
i can’t seem to find out, how i can implement that into pulse.
Does anybody know how that could be done?
would love to hear that!
Also, is it possible as far as you know, to be able to offer ( within pulse) to change the background, like color/design ??

happy holiday

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Pulse can only offer rich text blocks for customers to edit. This makes it much less flexible than WebYep where you can edit individual elements like a image/logo. Importantly WebYep has a immensely useful short text element (plain text) that can be used to change/edit any code on the page, say page title, change a style class, even calculations in a simple shopping cart. You need a smattering of php to get it to work.


On 22 Dec 2011, at 08:30, “eus” email@hidden wrote:

Hi guy’s.
i am looking for a sollution for this and wreck my brain :smiley:
i have pulse-pro i like to offer clients, but i would like to offer them to be able to ad their own logo to.
i can’t seem to find out, how i can implement that into pulse.
Does anybody know how that could be done?
would love to hear that!
Also, is it possible as far as you know, to be able to offer ( within pulse) to change the background, like color/design ??

happy holiday

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Hi David,
i know webYep, love it to!!
and yes it is far more easy to implement items to than pulse, but i have a price issue to have to deal with :frowning:
and there the pulse is a bit more comfortable.
so i have pulse for the budget…and webYep for the realthing…

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Interesting Points - so sorry for rushing in here:

Changing Backgrounds/Colors within Simple CMS?

Doubtful - neither Pulse nor WebYep are able (or built) to do this on one click. Both are dedicated to change text/image stuff but not to “design” or “redesign” pages.

A possibility I have in mind is doing this in separate css stylesheets (but I don’t want to suggest this here as it would be an open-end theme). And it would require some css knowledge on both sides.


I often read your statements towards opening WY with a massive bunch of features and I know that they are all running. Especially the short text stuff and your suggestions are outermost interesting to have a look in. Could you detail this or point us in an example?

I’m actually within a project, that might be called:

“Templates for WebYep”

This is a project, maybe a one-way-road- at least an exciting tryout of what can be done or what could be done. Some keyfeatures actually:

  1. Admin Page (Password Protected) for to add some extended things (Additional Styles, Stuff …)
  2. Search facility
  3. Predefined simple Blog System using Disqus
  4. Different page-Layouts for follower pages
  5. Full Featured TinyMCE incl. ImageManager

so there is a lot of “not done yet” and dangerous half-knowledge and I’d appreciate each single Tipp what a WebYep Template probably would need.




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It’s the short text (plain text) element thats most interesting in WebYep. Although this is aimed at editing content it can be used for all sorts including styling with a little php.

An example I’m working on is a simple shopping cart whereby the cart and buy buttons cannot appear until the WebYep editor edits a price for the product. When the price is added, php makes sure it’s a number, adds decimal point, styles the buy now block to be hidden or remove the block with php. Various warning are created and styled.

Extend thought this further you could have 2 3 4 or more different style sheets for a web page, this mean the editor could choose overall style theme for a page and not just the content.

All this is based around this bit of php:

 <?php if (!webyep_bIsEditMode()) webyep_shortText("Plain Text", false); ?>

Once created you can reuse this “Plain Text” field around the same page (or site wide using true) using by adding it to a variable:

<?php $myvariable = webyep_sShortTextContent("Plain Text", false ) ;

And then printing this anywhere in the code of the page

    <?php print "$myvariable"; ?>


On 22 Dec 2011, at 12:12, Thomas Kimmich wrote:

I often read your statements towards opening WY with a massive bunch of features and I know that they are all running. Especially the short text stuff and your suggestions are outermost interesting to have a look in. Could you detail this or point us in an example?

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Well David,

sorry for not answering to this as quick as necessary - but suddenly I’d been surprised by christmas.

I’m far away of understanding this even from the basics. Or let me say it that way round:

Max added a possibility to insert “scripts” into the SEO Action part with his latest release. I once asked him to do enabling the opportunity to insert some code stuff later.
Those persists as we know most of the time of some .js line(s) and some .css call.

This works for the script part pretty well but if it comes to the css part, the Richtext Editor (here TinyMCE) is wrapping this in a

Tag, so it is useless. The workaround is to switch of the wrapping

Tag manually (init) which is a bit annoying.

So if it would be possible to print “$myvariable” into the before head section (or any other preferred place) all would be pretty good. So then I’d use my PlainText Element to insert something like:


Too optimistic or probably totally misunderstood that theme?

The “Simple Cart” sounds as well good. What “engine” is behind that idea? I hope not Mal’s or?



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