[Pro] Remove a guide

Hi guys
Hopefully a simple one… How do you remove a guide (the red line which you can use to guide) - Not all of them and i know how to hide them, but i want to remove one and cant see an option to do this ?

Many thanks

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If the guide is red, then it is on the master page. Go to the master page
of the pages you wish to select, make sure Guides are unlocked (menu View >
Lock Guides and uncheck it). Guides can then be selected and deleted like
any other object. :slight_smile:

Ernie Simpson

On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Steve Ainsworth

Hi guys
Hopefully a simple one… How do you remove a guide (the red line which
you can use to guide) - Not all of them and i know how to hide them, but i
want to remove one and cant see an option to do this ?

Many thanks

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