[Pro] Send Form Action doesn't work

Hi there
I’m quite new in using freeway pro (actually trial, but gonna buy it aferwards).
I published a site containing a contact form. The form was already built as a template.
I conntected all the required fields, but when clicking on the send-button, nothing happens (not even an error-message).
Error- and success-pages are there to, and my provider is supporting php.
Can anybody help me?
Thanks and cheers


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Try applying the Action to the FormWrapper Div instead of as a Page Action.

So with nothing selected on your Page you should see the Action parameters window. Remove the action by clicking on the x at the top left of the action window (in the Send Form Tab).

Now select the FormWrapper Div and use Item>Actions>Send Form to reapply the action. Reset your parameters and do a fresh upload.


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I have the same problem.

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Thanks for the reply.
although it sounds very logical, it doesn’t work unfortunately. I tried it with the formWrapper, the BodyWrapper and the Body itself. Nothing happens, not even an Error-Message…
Strange, any other suggestions?
Thanks and have a nice evening

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stoooooop, it works!
it was my fault, I mixed up the buttons (made one of my own and changed name of the default one). that means deltadaves solution worked >> Action on the FormWrapper.
Thanks deltadave and have a good night!

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I have a similar problem. The form refuses to work. (Hosting on GoDaddy)
I can’t set up the “Subject” box. It does not apear in the form.
This is the link to the "contact"page:

Appreciate any help

Dan D

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It would appear that the gdform.php file is not where it should be.

Have you checked to see if it is actually there?


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The gdform is not there, however, i found a neat trick around this,but its an extra step. On my site, whenever someone submits a form i have it sent to an email set up in c-panel on godaddy,then have that forwarded to a personal email and then i forward that to the business email. Its a little tricky but it works

On 25 Aug 2014, 6:02 pm, Dan Demetriad wrote:

I have a similar problem. The form refuses to work. (Hosting on GoDaddy)

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Just spent an hour on the phone with a technician from GD.
I was told that they have change their system and now everything is done trough a cPanel…
The technician sent me this :

‘Sending Form Mail with cPanel and Plesk Shared Hosting’ may be helpful to you. Here’s a link: Sending Form Mail with cPanel and Plesk Shared Hosting:


Hope it helps…

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Hope it helps…

Nope! Have they removed the gdform.php script then?

If so then try using SendForm in its vanilla option ie dont check the ‘this site is hosted by godaddy’ checkbox and see what you get.


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Yeah, i don’t have the “this site is hosted by go daddy” clicked and email through c-panel and it works awesome

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I did not checked the “this site is hosted by go daddy” and now I am totally lost by getting this coding:

<?php global $errorStrings; global $errors; // CONFIG // Redirect pages $successPage = "success.html"; // Relative path for page to redirect to on success $errorPage = "error.html"; // Relative path for page to redirect to on error, error numbers will be in a GET variable // E-Mail $recipient = "email@hidden"; // Address to deliver form to $subject = ""; // Subject of the E-Mail $from = ""; // From address if server requires it or if E-Mail address is optional $name = ""; // The name of the sender, if required $useRecipientList = "0"; // Should the recipient be matched against options? $recipientList = array( ); // Server $allowsOtherDomains = TRUE; // Variables $input_vars = array( 'name' => array( 'title' => 'name', 'required' => '1', 'type' => 'firstName' ), 'email' => array( 'title' => 'email', 'required' => '1', 'type' => 'from', 'filter' => 'email' ), 'Subject' => array( 'title' => 'Subject', 'required' => '0' ) ); // Error strings $errorStrings = array( 0 => 'Undefined error', 1 => 'No form submitted', 2 => 'Invalid E-Mail address', 3 => 'E-Mail could not be delivered', 4 => 'sendForm9943', // No real error message for this ); // FUNCTIONS // void appendError(int $errorNum [, string $errorString]) // Append error for processing at the end function appendError($errorNum, $errorString = NULL) { global $errorStrings; global $errors; global $customErrorNum; if (!$errors) $errors = array(); if (!$customErrorNum) $customErrorNum = 0; if ($errorNum > 0 && array_key_exists($errorNum, $errorStrings)) $message = $errorStrings[$errorNum]; elseif ($errorString) $message = $errorString; else $message = $errorStrings[0]; if ($errorNum == 0) { $errors["c$customErrorNum"] = $message; $customErrorNum++; } else { $errors[$errorNum] = $message; } } // PROCESSING // Input // Determine if a form has been submitted and whether it was via POST or GET $input_type = INPUT_POST; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') $input_type = INPUT_POST; elseif ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET') $input_type = INPUT_GET; else appendError(1); // Are we in safe mode? $safeMode = ini_get('safe_mode'); // safe_mode can be 'On' or true $safeMode = ($safeMode == 'On' || $safeMode == true); $recipientId = 0; // Before we go anywhere, was the form submitted by a human? if (($input_type == INPUT_POST && !empty($_POST['sendForm9943']) || ($input_type == INPUT_GET && !empty($_GET['sendForm9943'])))) { // Probably not appendError(4); } if (!$errors) { $firstName = false; $surname = false; $parameters = ""; // A form has been submitted, iterate over the expected fields to // produce a message body $emailBody = ''; foreach($input_vars as $key => $var) { $field = NULL; if (filter_has_var($input_type, $key) && ($input_type == INPUT_POST ? !empty($_POST[$key]) : !empty($_GET[$key]))) { // If the field exists and isn't empty, sanitize the contents for security if (array_key_exists('filter', $var)) { switch ($var['filter']) { case 'email': $sanitized = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); if (filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $field = $sanitized; if ($var['type'] == 'recipient') { $recipient = $field; $field = ''; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'from' && $allowsOtherDomains) $from = $field; } else appendError(2); break; case 'integer': $sanitized = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if (!empty($sanitized)) { if ($var['type'] == 'recipient') $recipientId = $sanitized; else $field = $sanitized; } break; default: $field = filter_input($input_type, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES); } } else { $group = filter_input(INPUT_POST, $key, FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY); if(is_Array($group)) { for($i = 0; $i < count($group); $i++) { $field .= "$group[$i]"; if($group[$i+1]) $field .= ", "; } if(count($group) > 1) $field = "[$field]"; } else $field = filter_input($input_type, "$key", FILTER_SANITIZE_MAGIC_QUOTES); } if ($field && array_key_exists('type', $var)) { if ($var['type'] == 'firstName') { $firstName = $field; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'surname') { $surname = $field; } elseif ($var['type'] == 'subject') { $subject = $field; continue; } } } elseif (array_key_exists('required', $var) && $var['required']) { // The field doesn't exist or is empty but is required appendError(0, "$key is a required field"); } if ($field) { // Add the field to the message body $emailBody .= $var['title'] . ": $fieldn"; } } } // Sending if (!$errors) { // If we haven't had any errors up to this point, try to send the E-Mail if ($firstName || $surname) { if ($firstName && $surname) $name = $firstName . " " . $surname; elseif ($firstName) $name = $firstName; else $name = $surname; } if ($useRecipientList && isset($recipientList)) if (count($recipientList) > $recipientId && $recipientId >= 0) $recipient = $recipientList[$recipientId]; $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "rn" . 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "rn"; if ($name) $fromHeader = "From: "$name" <$from>rn"; else $fromHeader = "From: $fromrn"; if (!$allowsOtherDomains) $parameters = "-f$from"; if ($safeMode) $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader); else $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader, $parameters); if (!$mailSuccess) { // Attempt to send from an address of the same domain as the server if ($name) $fromHeader = "From: "$name" rn"; else $fromHeader = "From: no-reply@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "rn"; if ($safeMode) $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader); else $mailSuccess = mail($recipient, $subject, "$emailBody", $headers . $fromHeader, $parameters); if(!$mailSuccess) appendError(3); } } // Finishing up $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\'); if ((substr($errorPage, 0, 7) != 'http://') && (substr($errorPage, 0, 8) != 'https://')) { if (strpos($errorPage, "/") === 0) $errorPage = "http://$host$errorPage"; else $errorPage = "http://$host$uri/$errorPage"; } if ((substr($successPage, 0, 7) != 'http://') && (substr($successPage, 0, 8) != 'https://')) { if (strpos($successPage, "/") === 0) $successPage = "http://$host$successPage"; else $successPage = "http://$host$uri/$successPage"; } // If we have errors but the spam trap error is present, we pretend that we succeeded if ($errors && !array_key_exists(4, $errors)) { // We encountered errors so the E-Mail must not have been sent $errorsUrlString = urlencode(implode(",", $errors)); header("Location: $errorPage?$errorsUrlString"); } else { // E-Mail has been successfully accepted for delivery. This doesn't mean it will reach the // destination but that is out of our control now so all we can do is hope for the best header("Location: $successPage"); } ?>

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Here is the Contact page if anyone is willing to help:


Dan D

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Seems to me that your submit button isn’t connected to anything.

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