[Pro] shopping cart just to email

Hi I have a Freeway site with Expression Engine http://www.iansrecords.com it sells vintage records. I have the site setup but my uncle wants a shopping cart that just sends him an email when the user clicks submit. I have looked at EEs options but they all use paypal and the simple commerce module which I dont really want to do. Could someone give me some advice pplease as Im pulling my hair out here.

thank you Adam

Also how do I turn ping on permanently and how do I turn preview off in this forum as it makes typing a post near impossible?

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You could try simulating this with a normal contact form handler, not sure how to get the cart selection into that, though.

As to the forum, you can’t currently set pings on permanently, but you can use rss to subscribe to a thread, which will get you a reminder each time that thread is updated. Another approach would be to set the Mail option on for the entire list, which will get you every post and every reply in e-mail.


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Thanks WaltD
I have it working with Mals. All I had to do was not choose a payment method. The only thing I havent worked out is can you have a shopping cart contents running on the site as you are using it.
Dont really want evry reply as I am still way behind on 4, I’ll just have to remember to ping. I wuld love to get rid of this preview its slowing me down to a stand still. I dont know whther its firefox or my machine but sometimes I have to wait 5-6 seconds to be able to start typing again.

many thanks


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Not sure what the issue might be with the preview. Probably network latency, because the preview is actually rendered on the server using an Ajax callback.

Generally, you can type as fast as you like or can, and you don’t have to wait for the update in the preview to do anything else. You could type madly, or paste some Tolstoy in the textarea, and press Send. The submit button is not disabled while the preview processes and updates.


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Must be something to do with my computer.
Walter should I hav some actions for a shop with my freeway 4 pro? I seem to have a folder called freeway shop and a pdf and template files but cant find any actions. If I do find them or download my freeway again (I lost a hard drive recently) does this give me a shop that I can send data to mals? Would it give me the live basket or does that come directly from Mals.

Thank you Adam

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