Here is a situation I have had a couple of times and is baffling me.
I have a text area with paragraph text formatted to 16pt Helvetica. When editing using WebYep (with TinyMCE editor) if I change the text format to a bulleted list the font changes to Times.
How can I avoid this?
On the attached link you will see it happens to the two paragraphs under “spray tanning”. Everything looks correct in the editor.
I have a text area with paragraph text formatted to 16pt Helvetica. When editing using WebYep (with TinyMCE editor) if I change the text format to a bulleted list the font changes to Times.
Think about it-- you have answered your own question.
Freeway renders paragraph text with the HTML tag <p> which you have defined in your CSS styles as Arial, Helvetica, or sans-serif… depending on what the viewer can support.
However, Freeway renders bulleted lists with the HTML tag <ul> – for “unordered list”… another way of saying “a bulleted list”.
Because the HTML <ul> tag is different than <p>, the browser doesn’t apply the font property because it belongs to the p tag selector. Since there is no font property defined for the ul element, the browser is simply using the default font defined by the user’s browser, which is in this case, Times.
See this image about CSS syntax…
You can approach this several ways… you can create a style for the ul element and define the font-family property for it-- or-- you can define the font property for a parent item and let it be inherited down the way.
An example of the second would be to define the font-family property for the body element. In this scenario, the font would be inherited by every element that is descended from the body element. That means Paragraphs <p> and Headings <h1> and Lists and almost everything else typewise.
If you want to adjust the space between lines in a List, you must realize that Freeway outputs those items with the List Item tag <li> and that you will have to make a separate tag style to affect those bottom margins (Space After in the Style Editor).