[Pro] Text shows as question mark

When I link to an external site, the headline text shows as a question mark.
What can I do to fix this?



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The headline text is a graphic that has not been uploaded.


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Hi But how can it not be uploaded?
The main site is: http://www.catch.levendevann.net
And I made an external link to :http://www.henki.levendevann.net

Maybe I´m lost in handling the subdomains in c-panel at web host. On the main site I want to make different passwords for the different folders/images. Because if I password protect a directory in c-panel, everything gets protected. So I made subdomains so I can separate folders, but maybe this is not the right way to do it.

But if the graphic text is not uploaded, where is the problem? In Freeway I upload as file copy to a folder, than uploading to web hotel with ftp.


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Maybe I´m lost in handling the subdomains in c-panel at web host. On the main site I want to make different passwords for the different folders/images. Because if I password protect a directory in c-panel, everything gets protected. So I made subdomains so I can separate folders, but maybe this is not the right way to do it.

You dont need to make subdomains to create sub folders.

This can all be done in FW and then the password protection is added to the sub folders through cPanel. So create your sub folders in your FW site structure ie client1, client2 etc. Then in cPanel add the protection to the client1, client2 folders.

Do you particularly want subdomains? Not all servers handle these the same way.


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No I don’t really want subdomains, but the issue with protection in c-panel is, if I have a main site (www.catch.levendevann.net), which contain the different folders/clients, I can not make different passwords for each folder/client, at least not at my web hotel. In c-panel I go: Password protect directories - select directory (document root). And than I can choose folders, but if I password protect one folder, all the other folders/clients is being protected as well, with the same password…

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That’s an image, not text (a picture of words is still a bitmapped
picture…), and this is what happens when an image can’t be found. The
image is set up to be taken from somewhere that doesn’t work from a page
at the top level of the current site: …/tori/Resources/m21a.gif

Are you perhaps uploading things by hand rather than using Freeway? And
maybe taking that page from within a set of pages and folders within
your Site Folder?


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I can not make different passwords for each folder/client, at least not at my web hotel. In c-panel I go: Password protect directories - select directory (document root). And than I can choose folders, but if I password protect one folder, all the other folders/clients is being protected as well, with the same password…

Thats not how it works on my server which is a standard unix server.

Create subfolders like yoursite.com/client1, yoursite.com/client2 and you should be able to password protect client1 and client2 individually.

If you can’t then I suggest you ask your hosting provider why not.


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About the graphic text, I replaced it with a GIF image instead, I like more the graphic texts than HTML, more options, but perhaps more troubling in browsers.

Still problems with password-protection, host provider says: “when you password protect a directory it is password protecting everything inside of that directory. The way around this would be to create the directories side by side rather than each password protected directory parenting the next protected directory.”
But I don´t understand what it means.
But thanks anyway.

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The way around this would be to create the directories side by side rather than each password protected directory parenting the next protected directory.” But I don´t understand what it means. But thanks anyway. T

That is exactly what I suggested you do.

In your FW doc you have the Site Folder and its contents listed down the LHS.

Create sub folders to the Site Folder ie client1, client2 etc.

After you upload with FW these subfolders will be created on the server to match the structure in your FW doc.

Now using cPanel you can select each subfolder and apply your password protected status to each sub folder on an individual basis.


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You know, this is what I´m been doing all the time. As your image show, with folders/clients 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. But when I test it in browser, after uploading and applying passwords in c-panel, it begins ask for passwords to other clients.
For example, I have login to client 1, and move around the sections, suddenly it asks for password to folder/client 4. Or I´m in client 3, it asks for password to client 5.

I´m using FTP software like Forklift or Filezilla to upload. The idea was if I make small changes to a site, I don´t have to upload entire site. But I shouldn’t think that has anything to do with it.


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I´m using FTP software like Forklift or Filezilla to upload. The idea was if I make small changes to a site, I don´t have to upload entire site. But I shouldn’t think that has anything to do with it.

One of the issues with FW is that it reuses files/images from elsewhere in your document so that you dont end up with multiples of the same image.

You are experiencing this issue because FW is referencing an image that appears in the client2 folder that may have initially appeared in client1.

The way round this is to separate your FW doc into sub docs. So keep your original FW file with its subfolder structure client, client2 etc but leave the sub folders empty.

Have new documents that are client specific ie client1.freeway, client2.freeway and in these individual FW docs set the upload path to yoursite.com/client1/, yoursite.com/client2/ etc. That way no images will be ‘shared’ between client folders.

It will also mean that any changes to the client1 doc will not affect the main FW doc and wont require a complete upload.


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