[Pro] WebYep Gallery


I am building a site with a page on which I have placed a WebYeb Gallery. All fine and working well except that I can not figure out how to format the look of the gallery as apparently is possible (see page 48/49 of the documentation). CSS style classes are referred to but I have failed to understand this. At the moment my thumbnails have no space between them, they are edge to edge and I would like them to be separated out. Can Max or anyone else give me a simple tutorial on formatting the gallery and /or how to “assign CSS style classes to the Image Gallery Element’s item”

Secondary question. I have incorporated Lightbox 2 into WebYeb and this works fine too. Except in the bottom right hand corner Safari shows me a blue question mark, Opera the word ‘image’ and Firefox nothing. Should it not be a cross and if so how do I get that out of the innerworkings?

Many thanks to anyone who can help.

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Hi Richard
To answer your 1st question below is an example on how to use the gallery and how to style it:

WebYep Gallery Example for Freeway Pro 5

Without further ado and for anyone who isn’t sure here is a Freeway 5 sample with the styles already done… :o)

What you need to do is: First install the new action suite, then read page 49 of the manual, as this gives a proper description of what each class style does.
Then download the example file which is here:


Look at the picture/screen shot which is also included in the zip file for a reference and then open up the downloaded file example called gallery_test.freeway
Now adjust the styles to see what effect it will have on the published look (you will need to view this via either a server or via MAMP.)
The first thing you will notice is you dont actually attach these styles to anything in Freeway as it’s picked up automatically by WebYep.
The only exception to this if you would like to style the actual div (layer) that Freeway produces when you add a Gallery element and in my quick example I have added a grey border
Apart from that the styling can be done as shown in the artwork.

Please note: I have placed the class names in the tag field (this is so it is published regardless if it is used within the freeway artwork) and also note, if you intend write them in by hand rather than copying from my example you will need to remember to place the dot “.” before the name to make it a class style when it is published.

I hope this helps people who are not sure how to use this new function.

Answering the 2nd part:- How to the lightbox see the control graphics
I find it easier to make a copy of the images folder containing the graphics (you find this in the lightbox download) and then place/upload this folder and the images contained within it so they reside next to your html pages. then the lightbox script should find them.

All the best max

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Thanks Max,

That has resolved both issues. I have never been brave/ bright enough to delve into CSS styles, although I have taken on board styling text. And until now I have avoided the extended button as I had no real idea how to enter info here. (More documentation on it from softpress would be useful for users like me - afterall I bought Freeway because code looks like fog to me. Plus I got senior discount - draw your own conclusions).
But after ferreting around in you sample, and going back through freeway documentation I began too understand and am able to format the gallery.

And placing the images file along with ny HTLM worked a treat.

Many thanks Richard

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I know that this is an old thread but I guess theres life in them old threads yet!

I was wondering how you style/format the text in the thumbnails in a webyep gallery?
I can’t find relevant information in the manual.

I imagine it won’t be too difficult but I could be wrong

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there is for sure.

There is an action called “Menu CSS Styler” Styler (Page Action). This enables you to do much more than you can think of.

For some other reasons I started to do WY CSS Styles in an external style sheet. This is so much fun and opens in a specific way the world of pure CSS styling. The caveat is, that you need a couple of class names to do.

The following example:


uses the following styles and settings:

Have a look at the .WebYepGalleryText Style what is at least the answer to your request. Some more infos you also can have in the following list:


Hope this sheds some light. BTW: Have you had a look into Pagelock? It might be interesting if you got through.



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