[Pro] WebYep loop construction tutorial

Hi every I have uploaded a quick 15 minute tutorial on how to create a WebYep loop in Freeway 6 which loops horizontally and vertically. If you are interested in seeing how its done just download the movie from here:


All the best max

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Very informative and helpful, as always - your manual is very good by it’s so much easier watching an expert performing the task!

Any chance of any more? I would love to see a video on how to style text in the webyeb richtext action!!


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hi Noel
Thanks for the compliments and yes I do have plans on creating a whole raft of video tutorials… when the big release is finished, it will be such a departure from where WebYep is at the moment that video tutorials will defiantly be needed
speak soon max

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That is great news Max.

and really looking forward to the next release.

On 2 Oct 2013, at 19:42, max wrote:

hi Noel
Thanks for the compliments and yes I do have plans on creating a whole raft of video tutorials… when the big release is finished, it will be such a departure from where WebYep is at the moment that video tutorials will defiantly be needed
speak soon max

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