[Pro] Who visited? round #2

Thanks to all for the feedback yesterday. Chatting with a colleague last evening, she said all I really need is a simple password scheme. If someone’s logged on, I’ll know they’ve been there.

This makes sense as I simply want to know if people to whom I’ve given access to sensitive information have ever bothered to look at it.

I’ve just spent the morning becoming a bit confused over password protection schemes. My ISP provides PHP & MySQL so a database driven scheme seems to make sense. I’ve “spotted” a number of possible FP Actions but haven’t found a reference or tutorial on how to actually implement one.

Any advice / help would be appreciated.

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Chatting with a colleague last evening, she said all I really need is a simple password scheme. If someone’s logged on, I’ll know they’ve been there.

These are 2 different things here

A simple password scheme is easy as most servers/hosting providers give you the ability to password protect a directory but to then link this into actually storing the users comings and goings is a different story.

There isn’t a FW action that will do this for you.

You may be better to look at somewhere like hotscripts.com and their user management section for a suitable script PHP User Management Scripts | Search & Download Software Free


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The harder you make information to access the fewer actually bother looking at it.

They may have visited - but have they read it?

What’s important to you might me quite mundane to the end user.

I would question recording viewing is of any use. And measure something more tangible like, an order form collecting enquires, measure sales from the site.

Or why not set a goal in Google Analytics to see if the user has done a set of tasks along a path in the site and measure those results instead.

Consider a user goes to a web site to complete a task. Fulfilling that task is part of the web sites requirements. Find out what that task is. Try and measure who completes the task, if that rate increases/decreases over time to see if the site is a success.

Putting unnecessary passwords obstacles in the users way will only alter what you are trying to record.

On 20 Jan 2010, 3:53 pm, Robert wrote:

This makes sense as I simply want to know if people to whom I’ve given access to sensitive information have ever bothered to look at it.

On 20 Jan 2010, 3:53 pm, Robert wrote:

I simply want to know if people to whom I’ve given access to sensitive information have ever bothered to look at it.

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I’m probably not being clear about my issue.

A client has sensitive information that she would like protected from random eyes. As she discusses aspects a business she is developing, she currently provides her colleague with a unique Username and Password that provides them access to the protected site (using WebShell).

I’d like to set up something that would be easier for her to implement new visitors while also tracking whether or not they have ever logged on (possibly length of stay too).

I understand that passwords add an obstacle in most cases. In this case it is a necessary hurdle to gain access to controlled information.

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On 20 Jan 2010, at 18:41, WebWorker wrote:

Putting unnecessary passwords obstacles in the users way will only alter what you are trying to record.

Heisenberg’s principle: the act of looking changes what you see.

best wishes,

Paul Bradforth

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I have done this before with Sitelok. Buy Membership Software and Systems Online UK | Vibralogix

Download the pdf manual it shows step by step instructions and Adrian the developer is very helpful if you get stuck.


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