Problem with changing breakpoints after 7.1 update

Softpress got back to me on my problems on this last week. The one instance in my master page was caused by something they couldn’t initially diagnose and they escalated. Still haven’t heard back on it.

The rest were caused by HTML box overflows: in 7.1 these cause page widths to persist at wider widths than desired at breakpoints. All but one of the overflows were caused by a Fixed width or height setting. This other one had a height set at Flexible. To address it they instructed me to set it to Minimum and then back to Flexible. All the others were addressed by changing the Fixed width or height to something else.

Most if not all of these “Fixed” dimensions were changed to Fixed at breakpoints from what was specified at the default width. I don’t think (but am not sure) it was me who made these changes. I suspect that one aspect of this 7.1 problem is that some non-fixed dimensions set at default are changed by FW to fixed at narrower widths.

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