Process Gallery Javascript error

I upgraded to FW Pro 5 a while ago and today when I went to process a new Gallery, it gave me a Javascript “functionStr.replace is not a function” error.

What am I missing here?

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Hi - have you moved the Gallery Action (and the Themes folder) to the Freeway 5 Actions folder?

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Yes, I did.

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That error really doesn’t tell me much about what could have caused the problem. As I can’t see your machine or what you are doing, is there anything else you can tell me to see if I can guess what could be going on?

It sounds as if the Action is not properly installed. Please check that it really is in the Freeway 5 Actions folder.

Most of the problems I have seen with my Actions with people who have Freeway 4 and have moved to 5 have been down Actions not being in the correct Freeway 5 Actions folder. The Gallery Action relies on a lot of support files which are in the Action’s bundle, so the Action has to be physically present in the correct Actions folder.

This is a guess based on the information you have given.

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Thanks Paul
I ended up going into the archives for a version of the website before the first one using Gallery. I added new galleries using the Gallery Action to that and changed the other parts of the site as necessary and it all worked without a hitch.

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Hi Paul,

I think I’m getting a similar issue. When I built my site in FW4 my Actions were fine and now in FW5.1.1, I am encountering “known Javascript errors”, particularly with ‘Text Link Style’.

I looked for Actions in FW4 - although I was sure I had brought them over to the relevant folder following the upgrade - and found nothing that wasn’t already in FW5 Actions folder.

Any ideas?

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None from your description, I’m afraid. It’s hard to work out what’s going on from these errors as they stand.

I need to see the error happening myself which is why I ask for repeatable steps. I need to know a lot more about how you moved the file from FW4 to 5 and how/where the Action is before, during and after.

What happens if you remove the Action from the table and reapply it?

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