Responsive image resizing

Freeway has offered several ways to create websites for quite some time. Inline box model layout (divs within divs) has been advertised by ‘us’ users since Freeway 5, simply because that was the most reliable way of creating web sites that behave according to its viewport (browser, hardware). The great Dan Jasker offered quite a stack of video tutorials to accomplish this way of working. Tom has done really a lot as well on his part.

I partly blame Softpress’ Responsive Layout action because it has let people think that all would be honkey-dory for as long as they used this action to keep the layered layout together.

On the other hand I blame the users themselves who kept doing stuff the old way … even though the last 5-8 years they have been advised to learn with inline box model. But no. They didn’t want to learn … and now they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Inline box model layout has nothing to do with ‘doing’ code, but it has everything to to with letting go of the drag-and-drop-layout and just stacking layer on layer. Way back you created a textbook on top of another coloured box in order to add some breathing space around the text … but we learned to use padding and margin. Is that ‘doing code’? No, it’s learning how to use the tools you have. Freeway 7 offers a lot of tools, but you already could ‘just create a responsive website’ with Freeway 5 Pro, but only if you were able to let go of the drag-and-drop-mentality.

So yes, after a while we speak up a little louder … and hope people get the message. But the day we will let you down and/or drown with your problems and questions will never come. We always will point you in the right direction, it’s up to you if you’re willing to go there.

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