
I am sorry for all of these questions that are apple site based.

A potential clients wants to do a scroll possibly like the one on the apple website - top of the mac page.

he wants his site to “feel” like an apple site and the things I looking at are the actions he wants.

Thank you in advance for your help I really do appreciate it.


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I wrote this up last year:

This is not, strictly speaking, the same as the Apple effect, which
also includes ease-in ease-out cartoon physics. But it is approachable
in Freeway 5 Pro without too much head scratching. Be sure to read all
of the thread so you get the follow-up clarifications.


On Feb 28, 2009, at 6:35 AM, swimmer35 wrote:

I am sorry for all of these questions that are apple site based.

A potential clients wants to do a scroll possibly like the one on
the apple website - top of the mac page.

he wants his site to “feel” like an apple site and the things I
looking at are the actions he wants.

Thank you in advance for your help I really do appreciate it.


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