Search Box for Visitors to Site

Hey, Gang.

I have a web magazine and have a Google search box on the site so visitors can search the site for topics. But the search box has now started to run mini-ads, which I don’t like.

Google has a clean, ad-free box you can add to your site for $100 per year, which isn’t bad. But I was wondering if there was an action available for Freeway Pro that does the same thing for free and without ads?



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I have tried this basic one over the weekend, very easy to impliment

There is also this one from


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Thanks, Marcel. I like your search box a lot. Very cool.

You were smart to put an example of your search box right on the page. I’m surprised Atomz doesn’t have an example of their search box on their landing page. Funny how that common sense stuff sometimes slips through the cracks.

By the way, if you’re interested in the site where I’ll use your search box, it’s www(dot)60SecondMarketer(dot)com. I’ll have it loaded up sometime this week. Thanks, Jamie

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I put this search script in our site here Search Site
by Sphider

Very pleased with the result.


On 16 Jun 2009, at 15:23, Jamie Turner wrote:

But I was wondering if there was an action available for Freeway Pro
that does the same thing for free and without ads?

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Hey, David – Thanks.

Just curious – I’ve been a little spoiled by Freeway’s very active support community. Has anyone created an action for a search box?

It seems as though the search boxes mentioned above require a knowledge of HTML and/or lengthy, detailed instructions to install.

Has anybody seen a simple action for a search box?


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Tim Plumb had one for a Google service; that service has been
discontinued so it won’t work any more for new accounts. Most search
engines require either a third-party service (where you lose this sort
of control) or a dedicated application installed on your server to
index the content and make searching fast enough to be useful.

Installing software on your server is well outside the scope of what
an Action can do, so this is sort of at the mercy of the individual
designer, his or her hosting provider, or barring that level of
involvement, the third-party service.


On Jun 16, 2009, at 12:18 PM, Jamie Turner wrote:

Just curious – I’ve been a little spoiled by Freeway’s very active
support community. Has anyone created an action for a search box?

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Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, Walt.

– Jamie

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