Search facility in Freeway 4 Express site?

I’m new to Freeway but decided to jump right in and I now have a site in development that’s running to a 100+ pages. Is it possible to now include a text search field? Nearly all of the text is saved as gif not html. Would that be a problem? Also, are there any issues when creating a site in Express and opening it in Freeway 4 or now 5? Hope someone can offer advice - thanks in advance.


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You can’t search within GIF text. You can (sort of) search the alt
text, but that’s a crutch. If you want the content to be found,
either within your site or from outside it in google-land, then you
have to put the text in as HTML.

There are a number of free search engines that you can add to your
site using Markup Items and HTML Markup dialogs. If you do this on
your master page, then you can have all pages set up at once. Have a
look through the Softpress KnowledgeBase – there are a few articles
in there about how to do this.

The upgrade path from Express to Pro is pretty easy. When you first
open an Express document in Pro, you will see a warning that the
document is going to be converted, and then it makes a backup for you
of the Express version. Once you save the file from Pro, you can
never open it in Express again.


On Feb 21, 2008, at 2:34 PM, NeilH wrote:

I’m new to Freeway but decided to jump right in and I now have a
site in development that’s running to a 100+ pages. Is it possible
to now include a text search field? Nearly all of the text is saved
as gif not html. Would that be a problem? Also, are there any
issues when creating a site in Express and opening it in Freeway 4
or now 5? Hope someone can offer advice - thanks in advance.


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On 21 Feb 2008, at 19:34, NeilH wrote:

I’m new to Freeway but decided to jump right in and I now have a
site in development that’s running to a 100+ pages. Is it possible
to now include a text search field? Nearly all of the text is saved
as gif not html. Would that be a problem?

Yes, on a number of counts:

a) GIF text is not searchable, either by search engines (Google etc.)
or internally. It’s a graphic, not text.
b) It’ll lead to longer load times as it takes a (short but
cumulative) time to load each GIF
c) It won’t look as nice
d) It will stop anyone enlarging the text on your site by hitting
Apple+ or whatever the Windows equivalent is
e) Under certain circumstances you could get sued for d) under
current accessibility laws (unlikely, but hell … why would you take
usability away from your customers anyway?)

best wishes

Paul Bradforth

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