SEO question <h1> tag

Hello all,

I have a small SEO question that I hope someone can help me with.

Bing webmaster tool tells me that my pages are missing <h1> tags (see attached note).
I’ve added page title in the inspector, as well as Meta tag ‘description’ (both name and property) as per the user guide.

What am I missing? Do I need to add some html as their attached note seems to suggest?


<h1> tags are level-1 headings: Heading 1 in the Type popup in the Paragraph section of the Paragraph Inspector).

If you give your pages headings, that helps to tell visitors and bots what the pages are about.

It’s always a good idea to use semantic HTML types (e.g. headings rather than large bold paragraphs).

[Aside: if you want to refer to HTML tags in Discourse, you need to wrap them in backticks. Otherwise, Discourse will interpret them as HTML tags and the text will be strangely formatted. I edited your post to do this. (I’ve also been caught out by this in the past.)]

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Hi @jensenm
you have to add a block of text (paragraph) and in the inspector define it as Header (Page 67 of the Xway manual), there are several types of header H1 to H6. H1 is the main subject of the page, H2 the subtitle, H3 is generally used for section titles (the different subjects covered in the page, in relation to the main subject). Google and Bing force us to build our sites with a detailed plan of the type: one site-one idea, the pages decline this idea under different aspects, each page has an H1 to clearly indicate the subject of the page, then the H2 to H6 give titles to the sub-parts of the page concerned. Hope that helps.

Great, that helps. Thank you both.

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