Sequence Timer Action

Type of Action: Page Action (to use it, make sure nothing is selected on the page, go to Page>Page Actions to choose the Action from the list).

What the Action can do: This Action lets you do the following:
  • It lets you set up a slideshow of images on your page
  • With Freeway Pro it lets you set up a fading slideshow of images (using the Target Show/Hide Layer Action)
  • With Freeway Pro you can set up a slideshow of multiple items contained within a parent HTML item (using the Target Show/Hide Layer Action)
This page Action allows you to control target Actions used on your page. It can trigger up to 20 targets in a sequence which change according to the speed chosen in the Action. When the last triggered item has been displayed, it can be set to "Loop" (so the sequence starts again from the beginning) or you can let it simply end at that point.

The target Actions that can be used with the Sequence Timer Action are:
With the Action applied to the page, make sure nothing is selected on the page so you can see the options in the Actions palette.

  • Speed: This is the time interval between each trigger in the sequence (in thousandths of a second). The default speed is 500, which will mean the next image will display after half a second. 500 is usually considered too fast, so try changing the value to 1500 or 2000 to see if you prefer it at that speed.
  • Loop: The default for this is set to Yes, which means that after the last image of the sequence has been displayed, the sequence starts again from the first image - and this will repeat over and over. If you want to set the sequence so it stops after playing a single sequence, set this to No.
  • Run Time: This lets you choose between starting the sequence on page load or by clicking on a trigger. If you want to set it so the sequence starts On Trigger, you will need to set up the Play/Pause Sequence Timer Action. Leaving it to the default of On Page Load will mean that the sequence starts automatically when the visitors goes to that page.
  • Target Group: When using a trigger, you can set different groups of targets to be triggered when a different trigger is activated. Target Groups have color names (such as Indigo and Cobalt). Indigo is the default target group.
  • Target 1 … 20: Set a trigger number for the same number of images you are using in your sequence. If you have ten images in the sequence, set Trigger 1 through Trigger 10 to Yes.