simply wanting an html box to expand the width of the window but it wont?

I was using a table based layout and seeking to have a top header and lower
footer that expand to the width of the page. There is a ‘width can grow’
but that had no effect. I also tried 100% as width - and nor did this.

I guess I need to retry this and post the URL but if there are any obvious
pointers I’d appreciate them.

I wouldn’t have thought I’d have to use a div but maybe I do?

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You need page alignment set to “none” and then use a div set to 100% width.

On 10 Apr 2008, at 09:20, Brian Steere wrote:

I was using a table based layout and seeking to have a top header and lower

footer that expand to the width of the page. There is a ‘width can grow’

but that had no effect. I also tried 100% as width - and nor did this.

David Owen
Freeway Friendly Web hosting and Domains ::

Thanks David.

This will mess my simple centre align 760px design that simply adds margins on larger page sizes and looks like it needs the whole flexible layout approach in order to have a simple design that shows well at various page sizes.
I’m afraid I haven’t found head space for learning all this but will have a play and see if I can find something useful.
all the best

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