Strange View!

Hi All

Developing a site just now and doing a few initial tests in various Browsers with strange results.

My test pages are here

Everything looks fine in Safari on Mac BUT in Firefox 2 or 3 the address text on the home page (its just HTML on a layer) appears to be lower down the page and is bumping into the item below it.

Next: the page ACCESSORIES - working fine on Mac Safari. I am using a floating footer from a sample I got from a forum link and it looks well in Safari- but again in Firefox on Mac it is crashing at the bottom of the page.

On a PC - Strangely IE is handling all OK! but again on the PC in Firefox there is the same problem with the above two problems.

Can anyone help? or If I can supply any further details just ask. Using Freeway 4 Pro and output is XHTML 1.0. Strict ( I have also treid 4.10 with the same results. Using mootools smooth scroll to anchors on the Accessories Page.
Going a wee bit mad at the moment!!!



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