Styling "unsupported" Blogger widgets

There must be a way, but I’m lost at the moment.

In a 2010 thread, Joe advised to insert a snippet of code in the head of the page:

.Label1 { color: #000000; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px } // Targets all text in the Label1 widget .Label1 h2 { color: #000000; font-weight:bold; font-size: 18px } // Targets the title in the Label1 widget

In 2012 when I try to do that, here is the response I get from Blogger:

XML error message: Open quote is expected for attribute “{1}” associated with an element type “type”.

I’ve searched lots of places to try to find out what that means, to no avail!

Can anyone advise

a) how to style gadgets/widgets that aren’t in the current actions suite.

b) if it’s possible to do this in the section markup in the template (I use a “widgets” section markup to allow them to be inserted)

<b:section id=‘header’ class=‘header’ maxwidgets=“3” showaddelement=“yes”>

c) if it’s possible to insert some <b:skin> elements to allow the fonts to be separately styled online?

I’m sorry to be asking this, I have some ammunition, just no gun!

Many thanks,

Peter (saving up for proper CMS!)

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Typo! c) should read as follows:

c) if it’s possible to insert some <b:skin> “variable definition elements” to allow the fonts to be separately styled online?



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Can you post a link to the page/section you want to style and outline how you want it styled.


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Thanks Dave,

There is one (but there are others!) :

In the sidebar, the “Daily Photo Theme Day” is the Freeway Action, so the fonts are correct (Verdana family)

The other items are all “Widgets”, the headers are all OK, but the body text is the puzzle.

As an aside:-

I was trying to avoid posting this link! The site won’t win any design awards, but it’s probably a fair example of what someone with very little knowledge can do with Freeway, by thinking “differently”.

It may well be the reason I start on that slippery CMS slope. I have used blogger (the URL’s will be masked) for the editable (by others) bits, because it’s free, and all of the feeds are courtesy of RSSinclude.

It’s won’t win any awards, but it’s probably a fair example of what someone with very little knowledge, vinegar, brown paper,Freeway and the sort of support this forum provides by thinking “differently”. It’s an interim site until I can work out the means to do it with a proper “engine room”.

Thanks again,


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So which sections do you want to style and in what way.


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I just want the font family to match - nothing more!


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First part of the problem solved- blogger is happy if I change ”text/css” to ‘text/css’.

I doesn’t do what I ask, but at least it’s happy! :slight_smile:

Next - I shall try to find Bloggers “page” style and see if I can apply that.


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Thanks for standing by, I hope you didn’t lose any sleep Dave!

For the benefit of future users, I have solved the problem simply as follows:-

  1. For each widget I require, I place a markup inside an inline HTML element.

The markup is as follows:
<b:section id=‘widgetbox’ class=‘widgetbox’ maxwidgets=“1” showaddelement=“no”> </b:section>
This creates a unique “widgetbox holder”

  1. Blogger gives each widget is unique name. I name the HTML element to match that widget name.

“TextList1”, “Text2”,“HTML1” and so on.

  1. I then create new permanent Styles named to suit each widget and applied to the corresponding box; TextList1", .Text2",.HTML1"

For reasons which aren’t entirely clear to me, but probably because the standard “header” style applies across the page, Blogger is happy to pick up the default style in the headers.

Hey Presto!

Three days of head scratching, followed by ten minutes work and the problem is solved!

Back to reading the CMS manual for me!



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