Suggestions for the right CMS Demo / Concept Build tools to use…

I have something entirely unimportant to say regarding CMS (and I should perhaps open a new thread for it):

####Avoid it the best you can!

Content Management Systems are required, when content isn’t managed in time - trying to solve this issue later. Some would say: “The expected Mess”.

To avoid CMS, you need to strengthen your outline - the story you write for your client (or yourself). Believe it or not, this reduces the need of later “adjustments” to a min and even the smaller things are quicker adjusted by the WebDesigner rather leaving it by client.

“Sine qua non” is a well organized WebDesigner knows what he is doing! I’m trying to sell this by a fixed fee per year - and 100% are taking it. I naturally can estimate the things - and my FreewayDoc is (unlike the past) slim and fast. This is making me incredible fast and flexible - so adjustments are no pain in but - it’s simply a pleasure.

But I agree that there are as well the clients who really are in need of a CMS.

Serving those by thePerchs (as a representative of all smaller ones) is not worth to think about. Those clients don’t need a “Designer” - those need techsavy geeks and nerds putting up a system. And if so - the choice can only be one of the big five (or four or six). Or in simple words: Function first - a lil bit of decoration goes alongside. I know not much of this audience having the opportunity ever getting such a client, nor do I know much being able to serve them.

Provoking? You know me - I love doing so !

And am curious about the arguments against. Such as those typical restaurant-clients in need of changing their bill of fare weekly …



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