Text font in Windows

Hi another problem I’m having with my site on Windows is that the text I am using on the site doesnt seem to work on windows. It works perfectly fine on any Mac computer. The font I’m using is Eurostile. I’m pretty sure I can convert all my text from html to gif, but I’d really rather not. Any ideas?


You can see the text from the front page menu and all the subsequent pages.

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If the font Eurostile is not installed on the users computer then it will not be displayed.

There are a number of fonts that are classed as ‘web safe’ it is best to use one of them unless you want to convert to gif text.

There are methods that can be used for font substitution - have a search here to find out more if you want to try that route.


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One method of ensuring the same font is displayed in every browser is outlined in this thread http://freewaytalk.net/thread/view/57517#m_59002


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