Hi guys,
this list is more intended to take some inventory if it comes to one of the most supported CMS systems on the planet. After trying to think of all (the most) recommended ones within the last years, I’ve been chosen now WP as my personal favorite. I needed this decision cause I recognized that I’m way too dumb for “multi-tasking” CMS systems in all its fancy colors.
So letse go:
Statement 1 (to falsify):
Freeway allows me the key-visual control of design and MarkUp. But if it comes to WP it is currently not really the No. 1 choice. The reason for this is:
Chunks of code, collected and compounded elsewhere. Freeway is generating “the code” as one bunch.
But help is near:
So I started to have a look at Walter’s TemplateHelper. I’d like to first thank the author for creating such a cool thing - actions like these are making it worth to keep Freeway as the primary coding-tool (probably).
It works great with two exceptions (so far).
WordPress requires a “Header” that starts with doctype and ends with the closing head-Tag (or even with the opening body TAG, preferably including the opening ID of PageDIV (not sure so far).
Is something like this thinkable to “automize” or is there even an action to accomplish.
The other point is “nested” chunks.
The “content” which is the themes index.php in WP terms consists of two nested parts: content and aside. It would be outermost cool to have an “exclude” from partial opportunity in order to keep the key visual design and separate the “content” from “aside” that are both sitting in the “content-wrapper” (doh - sounds strange).
I’m still cautiously optimistic, but am only able to serve the skeleton so I really turn to you guys for help - even if the result is:
“Hmm - no not possible”. But then we leastwise clarified it.
As soon as I got a little design I’ll shoot it on a server so it’s probably easier to talk about.
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