Thanks for your response @ David Ledger , appreciated.
@waltd ,
Sorry for the delay, my horse got spooked ran through the telegraph wire taking down communication. I was however able to traverse the river on a quickly made raft upstream to a native friend whom uses morse code through smoke singles with this mailing list. Long story short, crisis diverted. I also setup two cans and string so next time I don’t have to traverse the rapids back to the smoke signals.
On 8 Oct 2017, 2:33 pm, waltd wrote:
I have asked you several times without an answer if you know how to configure Discourse so that e-mail is a first-class citizen to the list, because yes, there are Old People on this list. Old people with more experience than you have, dare to say. Experience, and long memories, and the understanding that other people think differently than themselves.
I actually did respond previously to your explanation of this “hand-coded from the nuts up” system you hold so dear. You then chose to not respond however. 
See here:
But maybe your much loved fancy mailing system timed out and you never received the email? You may remember that thread, it’s also where I first pointed out the need to update the security certificate for the forum. Maybe not though because I had to make a separate thread for it, before it was finally addressed.
I could post further links regarding Discourse and mailing lists all day:
Mailing list mode
What is "Mailing List mode"? - support - Discourse Meta
In mailing list mode you will receive one email per post, as happens with traditional mailing lists. This is desirable if you prefer to interact via email, without visiting the forum website.
But what good does it do to try and inform a person whom thinks they know it all and their ideals are paramount?
On 8 Oct 2017, 2:33 pm, waltd wrote:
You are welcome to install Discourse on your server, to configure it, and to maintain it in perpetuity, for free, then. I am a volunteer, Softpress pays for the hosting and nothing more. […] If you are serious about wanting Discourse or another not-a-mailing-list as a replacement for the mailing list, then you can put your money where your mouth is. My time is billed at $1,440 per day, this will take a week or more to: migrate existing data (so we don’t lose history, which is valuable), configure the core application, and probably write some middleware to patch the mail interface. I have ten years’ Ruby on Rails experience (the framework that Discourse is written in), and these are market rates in Philadelphia.
Not a mailing list ? Again, they officially state mailing list above discussion forum, seems like “mailing list” must be a citizen with importance.
GitHub - discourse/discourse: A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
Discourse is the 100% open source discussion platform built for the next decade of the Internet. Use it as a:
• mailing list
• discussion forum
It would take you a week to configure? Heck given you’re so brilliant with such self proclaimed knowledge, you could probably even set a record and install it in much less than the “30 minutes” it takes.
Why would you need to lose any history? Simply archive this list as read-only and searchable. Automatically append a banner div top or bottom to every page of this list with a simple informative notice and link to the new forum. Pretty standard, do I need to link to 10 examples of that as well for it to be true or possible?
Since you are obviously far superior than any of the developers whom wrote and work on Discourse, easily proven by your wonderful alternative creation here. Perhaps you could enlighten all those Discourse dimwits with your vast knowledge and bring Discourse up to speed with your unparalleled skills and features. I am sure they would all be grateful to have someone of your unmatched stature and knowledge. They would probably even immediately cease development on Discourse and instead merge your “freewaytalk” creation as the flagship offering instead. Then you can feel even more self renowned than you displayed with your self righteous responses.
Yet it appears with all that vast knowledge and experience you couldn’t previously figure out a way to let a person sign in to respond without getting timed out and losing their entire post as Thomas confirmed. Not to mention addressing rudimentary spam properly. Pretty ironic. Or should I say impressive?
On 8 Oct 2017, 2:33 pm, waltd wrote:
You are alone in wanting Discourse,
Discourse is merely one example alternative that easily outshines this antiquated one trick pony in so many ways. But yeah hold on to it, no need to easily allow a vast array of modern features for the benefit and betterment of Softpress’s future and its current and future user base. Always better to instead pacify a few, thats business 101 right? You might want to stop by Drexel, La Salle, Temple, etc., and get the local Philadelphia universities up to speed in your area on your ideals and keen business insight.
Again, thanks for another self righteous response.
On 8 Oct 2017, 2:33 pm, waltd wrote:
My PayPal is
waltd (@)
I will be sure to send you a shiny nickel. I suggest you buy a clue, or better yet some humility and better perspective.
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