Timed Redirect Action

Type of Action: Page Action (to use it, make sure nothing is selected on the page, go to Page>Page Actions to choose the Action from the list).

What the Action can do: This Action lets you do the following:
  • It lets you set up a redirect on a page so that after a given period of time the visitor will be redirected to a specified page.
This Page Action redirects the user to a different page after a set number of seconds. The most common use of this is for a splash screen—a screen that loads up, often displaying a graphic or short animation for a few seconds before the visitor is directed on to the main part of the web site. This Action does not require JavaScript and is supported by most browsers, however it is good practice to also put a link on the splash page so that the user can click on the link in case they are not automatically redirected for some reason.

You should make sure that you have allowed enough time for the splash screen to load completely before redirecting the visitor to the next page. If you have a large image some visitors with slower connections might not see it at all.

To use the Action, make sure nothing nothing is selected on the page, go to Page>Page Actions and choose Timed Redirect from the list. With nothing selected on the page you can see the options in the Actions palette:

Destination: Click and hold on this popup to choose the page you want to direct the visitor to. Normally you will want to redirect the visitor to a page you have created within your Freeway file - but you can also choose Other… then click on the External tab of the Edit Hyperlink dialog and enter the http:// address of an external page.

Delay: Enter the time (in seconds) for the delay before the redirect occurs.