Transition FX - Tutuorial

Hi. Looking for a good tutorial on how to properly setup and use the Transition FX action. Anyone know of any ?

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Well it could be a screen-cast if need be. What kind of things are you trying to accomplish with it? Isn’t it broken in 5.2? I’ll have to look around.

It’s been added to my list to do and I just haven’t gotten to it yet. I have to do these at the office since I don’t have Freeway Pro at my home yet. Talk about dedication. :slight_smile:

I’ll see if i can pound it out early this week if you can wait.

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Wow ! So the Transition FX’s don’t work in 5.2 ? My question comes from the fact that the User’s Guide is not very explicit on how to properly setup and use the FX’s… I have an interest in adding a “expanding/collapsing” section while clicking on a hdr…

BTW Dan… Been to your blogspot account. Thanks for all you do for Freeway Users !

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Hi Mike,

The Transition FX Action works just fine on 5.2. A guide for making
the sliding drawers effect can be found here:



On 2 Sep 2008, at 14:36, Mike D wrote:

Wow ! So the Transition FX’s don’t work in 5.2 ? My question comes
from the fact that the User’s Guide is not very explicit on how to
properly setup and use the FX’s… I have an interest in adding a
“expanding/collapsing” section while clicking on a hdr…

BTW Dan… Been to your blogspot account. Thanks for all you do for
Freeway Users !

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Hi Joe - Thank You ! This makes it much more “understandable”. I’ve dl’d the file too so I can actually “see” it in action… Appreciate it very much…

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Oh, it was the Target / Show Layer action. Sorry for the confusion on my end there Mike D.

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Oh no sweat, Dan… It all works out in the end !

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