Uploading Freeway Express 5.5 file

I am a new user to Freeway Express on a MAC platform. After making my site, testing it with Safari, all ok. after uploading to my Host site, all is ok. but when trying to open the site, nothing happens, the Index file works from the root directory.


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Instead of uploading to the root directory, you should probably upload to a
subdirectory of the root - called “www” or “public_html”. The root of your
server is reserved for other necessities and you shouldn’t add or delete
files there without great caution.

Bjorn Hagen wrote:

I am a new user to Freeway Express on a MAC platform. After making my
site, testing it with Safari, all ok. after uploading to my Host site, all
is ok. but when trying to open the site, nothing happens, the Index file
works from the root directory.


Ernie Simpson

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Freeway Express does this automatically, can I copy the files to a New directory on the Server? I have made a site previously using a PC with a older version of DreamWeaver and with this program only the Index.html is in the root folder.

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Here is my explanation with pictures

Bjorn Hagen wrote:

Freeway Express does this automatically, can I copy the files to a New
directory on the Server? I have made a site previously using a PC with a
older version of DreamWeaver and with this program only the Index.html is
in the root folder.

Ernie Simpson

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Oh, I think I know what you’re seeing in DW (ignore the lack of alphabetical order, please):


That’s just a matter of convention, it doesn’t make the site work or not work at all.

The same site in Freeway might look like this:


As long as the index.html is in the correct folder (and as Ernie hinted, yours likely is not) then you should be fine regardless whether the rest of the files are sequestered in a subfolder or not.

If you use an FTP application like Fetch or Transmit to look at your server, you should see something like this:


You may see other folders, you may see a different name to some or all of them, but that’s the gist. Logging into a Unix server (9 times out of 10) gets you “jailed” into your home folder. You can’t look above that level, you can’t peer into other users’ folders, you can only dig down from that level into any files that belong to your user account. So as you parachute into a folder which may in reality be in some tortured path like this:


When you log in using Transmit, you may see your path referred to as / – root – which means there’s nothing higher than that point. This is a simple security measure.

Now the Apache Web server would not be very secure if / was its document root – either you couldn’t see its logs or configuration files or extensions, or everyone in the world could. So the public_html folder (and it doesn’t have to be named that, it’s just a common default) sits inside your user folder, and within that, any files you place are visible by the Web-browsing world.

In Freeway, you would set the Server field to ftp.your_server.domain or whatever your host told you to use for uploads. But the Directory field would be set to public_html or htdocs or whatever the site root folder is actually called on your server. You have to look in the site root folder to figure this part out. But from there, once you have configured the Upload dialog correctly, the rest is automatic.

To be ultra-clear: if you see an index.html file at the very top level of your account folder on the server, it is 99.9999999% guaranteed to be there by mistake, and deleting it should have no effect at all on the performance of your Web site. It would be so wrong – bordering on madness – for your account root to actually be your site root, that I can say that with absolute certainty, even having never seen your server. (I have seen a LOT of servers in the past 20 years.)


On Dec 21, 2013, at 9:15 AM, Bjorn Hagen wrote:

Freeway Express does this automatically, can I copy the files to a New directory on the Server? I have made a site previously using a PC with a older version of DreamWeaver and with this program only the Index.html is in the root folder.

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