WebYep Short Text content with quotes

A little bugette in WebYep itself, perhaps?

I have a Short Text item in my layout. I logged into the site to edit
content, and put the following text into the field:

 Des O'Rourke

The data saved and displayed fine - but when I went back to edit the
field to add something to the existing text, it only displayed this:

 Des O

Somehow it tripped over the single quote and forgot the rest of the
text. I clicked Save to see what happened, and yep, it saved just
what was in the field (of course), trimming the name down.

Max, should I feed this back to the WebYep developer directly? Is
this something you or anyone else here has seen? Is there a


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You need to check if magic_quotes_gpc or magic_quotes_runtime are
enabled on your host or not. Most likely, not.

Drop a phpinfo() page into your hosting space, and see what the
current setting is for those. If they’re both off, and if the script
was expecting the “magic” behavior they provide, then single-quotes
would not be escaped properly and the string would be truncated. This
would need to be fixed within WebYep, by the maker, since it’s not
open source. You could experiment with turning this feature on using
an htaccess file, although I don’t know if that’s possible from that

php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 1
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime 1

Another possibility is that the edit field itself is not being fed
the htmlentities() version of the current variable value, but that
doesn’t seem to be the problem here. You would notice that more with
double-quotes, and you would be able to see the full value in the
browser using View Source or (context menu) Inspect Element. It would
look like this: value=“Some string including “quotes””, which would
appear on screen as Some string including .


On Jul 4, 2008, at 11:44 AM, Keith Martin wrote:

A little bugette in WebYep itself, perhaps?

I have a Short Text item in my layout. I logged into the site to edit
content, and put the following text into the field:

 Des O'Rourke

The data saved and displayed fine - but when I went back to edit the
field to add something to the existing text, it only displayed this:

 Des O

Somehow it tripped over the single quote and forgot the rest of the
text. I clicked Save to see what happened, and yep, it saved just
what was in the field (of course), trimming the name down.

Max, should I feed this back to the WebYep developer directly? Is
this something you or anyone else here has seen? Is there a


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Hi keith
yep this sounds like something OBD would like to know about there is an online support page here:

and no I haven’t come across this before and I have used single quotes before so this is a new one on me tI did do a quick test and my single quote showed up fine so Waltd is probably bang on the mark.

speak soon max

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Sometime around 4/7/08 (at 12:09 -0400) Walter Lee Davis said:

You need to check if magic_quotes_gpc or magic_quotes_runtime are
enabled on your host or not. Most likely, not.

Bingo, I think:

local value: Off master value: Off

local value: Off master value: Off

local value: Off master value: Off

The htaccess trick didn’t work, but thanks for the suggestion. I’ve
sent a report off to the OBD folks.


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That’s probably the best fix. I had a further look in the PHP manual,
and you can’t set magic_quotes_gpc except in the php.ini file. So
htaccess won’t do the thing at all.

For a short-term fix, you could try using this (which may work):

php_value magic_quotes_runtime 1

It’s never clear to me when to use flag and when to use value.


On Jul 4, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Keith Martin wrote:

The htaccess trick didn’t work, but thanks for the suggestion. I’ve
sent a report off to the OBD folks.

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Sometime around 4/7/08 (at 14:18 -0400) Walter Lee Davis said:

For a short-term fix, you could try using this (which may work):

php_value magic_quotes_runtime 1

Doesn’t seem to help, but thanks anyway.

I’ll just warn the users of this slight issue for the moment. They’re
colleagues at the college, so it won’t be a real problem at all.


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All they need to do if they want to use single-quotes is to make sure
they are properly curled! Shift-Option-Right Bracket will not break,
Dumb Typewriter Single-quote will.


On Jul 4, 2008, at 2:27 PM, Keith Martin wrote:

I’ll just warn the users of this slight issue for the moment. They’re
colleagues at the college, so it won’t be a real problem at all.

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Sometime around 4/7/08 (at 14:45 -0400) Walter Lee Davis said:

Shift-Option-Right Bracket will not break,
Dumb Typewriter Single-quote will.

Heh. True, but two of the four users would have more trouble
remembering that than just remembering to retype a caption from
scratch when they edit it. I’ll try suggesting that first though. :slight_smile:


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Sometime around 4/7/08 (at 13:20 -0400) max said:

Hi keith
yep this sounds like something OBD would like to know about

Thanks Max - I contacted OBD and just got a response.


I have a Short Text field in a page. When I use the name “Des
O’Rourke” it shows up just fine. But when I edit the text again, I
only get “Des O” in the field in the WebYep editor window; it loses
the rest of the text.

Checking with phpinfo(), magic_quotes appears to be off both for
local and master values for _gpc, _runtime and _sybase.

OBD support:

This unfortunately is a bug in the WebYep Short Text Element - it
will be corrected in the next release of WebYep (1.2.5).

We will upload a nightly build that contains that fix (1.2.5 Pre3)
within the next days - you can then download it from:

So, it is a bug, but one that’s being dealt with fairly quickly. :slight_smile:


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The soon to be released 1.2.5 has some other fancy things in it… so will be a well worth upgrade.
Lightbox is a lot better as you will now be able to do previous and next of the webyep images if they are in a loop.
The menu has been upgraded so you can navigate to other pages rather than other instances of the same page. if you go to:

you will see that the last link on the right hand menu goes to a completely different page with a different layout

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that should have been left hand menu… cheeers

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Hi Keith

The webyep publick 1.2.5 beta3 has been created and what I am reading it looks like the fault you posted here has been incorporated as one of the fixes
the beta link is:


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