Xway 0.8 crashes

Hi, running Ventura 13.6 and installed xway beta 0.8 recently. When trying to update my webpage with pdf files (as resource) the software crashes immediately. Excel files works.

Hi Per,

That doesn’t happen for me. Can you send me a cut-down document that reproduces the problem? Does the crash happen when you link to the PDF file, or when you publish your document?

To create a cut-down document, choose Duplicate from the File menu, then remove pages that aren’t needed to demonstrate the problem. You could also empty the Site folder (File > Empty Site Folder) since that shouldn’t be needed.

The best way to send me the document is to use a file-sharing service (Dropbox or similar) and share a link by messaging me here on Discourse (click on my picture, then click on Message).

Hi again. In beta 0.7 I managed to revert to a recent save of the web file (september), prior to saving it in 0.8, open that in 0.7 and there I could insert the pdf that causes the problem in 0.8.

The crash is when I link it. As soon as I click OK in the import dialogue, Xway crashes. Didn’t happen in 0.7 or with excel-files in 0.8

So this is in the Link dialog?

Does it happen in a new document? E.g. Create a new document, type “Hello world” and link “world” to a PDF file. Does it happen with any PDF file or with one particular PDF file?

At the moment I am back with 0.7 as that seems to work. I need to test again with 0.8 but short of time today. Will have to get back sometime in the weekend. Is the crash report generated by Apple of any help?

Hi Per,

The crash report might help (you can message it to me via Discourse), but it’s more useful to have some steps that reproduce the problem. E.g.

  1. New document
  2. Type “hello world”
  3. Select “world” and open the Link dialog
  4. Choose Resource from the Link Type popup
  5. Select Other… from the Resource popup
  6. Choose a (particular/any?) PDF file
  7. OK the dialog (?)
  8. Xway crashes (?)

See if Xway 0.8.1 fixes this problem.

Hi Jeremy,
A huge thank you for the update. That seemed to do the trick, even though I only tried it in one place😀.

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