Xway 1.0.2 is here!

We have just released Xway 1.0.2. This contains bug fixes and improvements, including:

  • The popover that is displayed after choosing Duplicate from the File menu works correctly.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if a page div has an undefined z-index.

You can update by choosing Check for Updates from the Xway (application) menu.


thanks for this, and a most Happy New Year to you.

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Considering an upgrade from Freeway on Mac OS 13.6 to Xway, what mac OS versions would be suitable to run Xway, that is my question.
Thank you


Xway will run on macOS 10.14 or later, 10.14 being the last version of macOS that Freeway can run on. I’m not sure if it’s possible to upgrade from 10.13 to 10.14 any more but if you can, that would let you run both Freeway and Xway on the same computer.

Hi Jeremy,

Perfect, I’m very happy with Xway!

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Curious, but I see no “Check for Updates” anywhere in the menu system.
Using Version 0.6b6 (0327)


Hi Russell,

You’re using a free beta version from a couple of years back (0.8b8 was the most recent beta version). These didn’t have Check for Updates.

You can download the latest version of Xway by clicking on Try on the Xway page of our website.

This will download a 30-day trial version, which can be converted into a licensed version by purchasing a licence (which you can do at a discount, if you have a serial number for Freeway 5.5 or later.) The latest version of Xway can read old documents, but 0.6b6 can’t read newer documents.

Thanks. Great program & I’d thought I’d paid for it.
Will now.


Thank you Simon, Most useful info.