This is a bug report presenting two graphics related issues.
When opening any of my FW Pro 7 documents in Xway 1.0, I find that all the graphics are replaced with a box a question mark, indicating that Xway is making no attempt to search the drive and find them. And here’s the crux. For all the graphics, I am see Xway show me the exact “path” in the right sidebar. I click a graphic, it shows me the path, but it says inaccessible. And yet, when I click the “Locate…” button, it takes me right to the folder where the graphic is located, and then I manually click that graphic, click the “Locate” button, and boom! It’s linked and looks normal.
Because the path is showing as correct, I assume this to be a bug. And because most Freeway sites have a rather large number of graphics, it behoves us to consider how this bug should be fixed, because it really does impact, in a major way, how Freeway 7 Pro website documents are imported. Honestly, it’s far too much work to manually relink all the graphics, hence the need for a fix.
A second bug pertains to UI performance in regards to moving graphics. For example, if I open one of my Freeway 7 Pro files at random, as I just said, all the graphics are missing and replaced with placeholder boxes with “?” marks inside. If I click and drag any one of those boxes at random, it takes no less than 3 full seconds before that box will appear in the location I moved the mouse to, before I even release the mouse button. Also, if I keep the mouse button held down, after the graphic finally does move to the new location, if I subsequently, drag the mouse to a different location, it takes another 3 seconds for the placeholder box to appear at that new location.
I am using a late 2015 5K iMac top end model with internal 1TB SSD. Yes, it’s an old Intel Mac, but it is by no means slow. Of course, I don’t have these performance issues in any other app either, which provides further evidence that it is not the age or slowness of my processor that is the issue. I am using macOS Monterey.
UPDATE: After working more in Xway, I have come to realize this affects DIV boxes too. It’s not exclusive to graphics boxes. Even if I click and drag to expand the width of a DIV text box, it takes 3 seconds before anything changes on screen.