Xway for mid-sized websites

One of my goals for 2025 is to move my main site over from Freeway over to a new web design software that will work on a modern Mac. (and M2 or M3 Macbook air)

logically, Xway is the one I’d like to choose, but I’ve got a couple of questions I’d like to ask before starting the journey.

  1. Can Xway handle mid-sized websites, of say, 10 Master pages, 500-600 total pages, and with some of those pages being quite large? (2000+ elements in them). Would it be likely to slow down, become unresponsive, or even crash when editing those pages?

  2. How clean and efficient is the code and resulting webpage performance produced by xWay, compared to Freeway? Especially for large, complex pages?

If I were to run a complex webpage created using Xway through PageSpeed insights, would the results be comparable or maybe better than a page created using Freeway?

Thanks for any help anyone can give me! :slight_smile:

Hi Bill,

I haven’t created any 500-page websites with ultra-long pages, but compared with Freeway: Xway produces cleaner HTML code, isn’t limited to a maximum document size of 2GB, supports modern CSS layout, and hardly ever crashes (in my experience). It also supports multiple master pages (master pages that are based on master pages).

Xway is available as a 30-day (unrestricted) trial version, so you can try it for yourself without buying it.

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Thanks Jeremy, that’s great to know, and I appreciate the speedy response. I’ll give it a go for sure and let everyone know how it goes, on this thread :slight_smile: